将静态变量作为参数传递给 Class?
Passing a static variable to a Class as argument?
class myClass(static_variable):
static_var = static_variable
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = x + static_var
obj = myClass(static_variable = 3)(x = 5)
#obj.x = 8
一个更好的问题是 'How to initialize a class static variable at runtime ?',但是 python 被解释了,所以我也不知道这是否是一个更好的问题。
class YourClass:
static_var = 3*6 . # <--- assigns the static variable to a computed value, 18 in this case
def __init__(self):
instance = YourClass()
print(instance.static_var) # <--- this will print 18
print(YourClass.static_var) # <--- this also prints 18
语句在运行时进行计算,它可以访问其封闭范围。这允许从上下文或通过执行其他代码来初始化 class ("static") 属性。
static_variable = 32
class myClass:
cvar1 = static_variable # lookup variable from enclosing scope
cvar2 = random.random() # call function to initialise attribute
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = x + self.cvar1 + self.cvar2
class myClass(static_variable):
static_var = static_variable
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = x + static_var
obj = myClass(static_variable = 3)(x = 5)
#obj.x = 8
一个更好的问题是 'How to initialize a class static variable at runtime ?',但是 python 被解释了,所以我也不知道这是否是一个更好的问题。
class YourClass:
static_var = 3*6 . # <--- assigns the static variable to a computed value, 18 in this case
def __init__(self):
instance = YourClass()
print(instance.static_var) # <--- this will print 18
print(YourClass.static_var) # <--- this also prints 18
语句在运行时进行计算,它可以访问其封闭范围。这允许从上下文或通过执行其他代码来初始化 class ("static") 属性。
static_variable = 32
class myClass:
cvar1 = static_variable # lookup variable from enclosing scope
cvar2 = random.random() # call function to initialise attribute
def __init__(self, x):
self.x = x + self.cvar1 + self.cvar2