
Projecting aggregate state in Read Model, extra logic on read side vs more data in the event

比方说,我正在使用事件源并且我的聚合根(匹配项)从 "PlayerWonPoint" 和 "PlayerLostPoint" 事件构建其状态(它也有两个相应的命令)。如果简化,状态从 InProgress 变为 Final。读取端负责表示点历史和一些统计数据。例如,对于网球,分数将表示为

MatchStarted    -> 0-0
PlayerWonPoint  -> 15-0
PlayerLostPoint -> 15-15
PlayerWonPoint  -> 30-15
PlayerWonPoint  -> 40-15
PlayerWonPoint  -> Player won the game

另一个问题:如果玩家赢得点数并且聚合看到它是 GamePointSetPointMatchPoint ,我是要为此记录不同的事件类型,还是只继续使用 PlayerLostPoint/PlayerLostPoint 事件?因为,聚合体可以从后两种事件类型中重新水合。但是,只有两种事件类型,读取模型变得更加复杂(即需要跟踪游戏、场景等)。我认为添加额外的偶数类型来简化 ReadModel 没有什么大不了的,潜在的额外事件类型也可能对聚合有用,例如,如果最后一个点事件是 "PlayerWonTheMatch"?


Do I tell Read Model (using event data) what is current score representation


if player wins the point and aggregate sees that it is a GamePoint, SetPoint or MatchPoint, do I record different event type for that or I just keep using only PlayerLostPoint/PlayerLostPoint events?
