基于实体定义自动生成迁移 - Shopware 6
Auto-generating migration based on entity definition - Shopware 6
大家好 Shopware 开发者
我是 Shopware 开发的新手,我很惊讶地看到 Symfony 有一个 "doctrine generate migration" 命令可以自动生成 SQL 迁移,Shopware 似乎没有这个并且按照教程进行操作,看来我必须同时编写实体定义和迁移 SQL 以创建相应的 table.
对于 table 有很多字段的人来说,这很痛苦。
Shopware 现在支持从实体生成架构的 cli 命令 bin/console dal:create:schema
请注意:目前是 2020 年 3 月,此功能仍处于测试阶段。所以仔细检查生成的模式文件。
This command selects all active entity definitions known to Shopware and tries to create SQL queries on base of the fields. Note: Your plugin has to be activated, otherwise your custom entity definition will not be considered. The queries are outputted into /schema. Search for the correct SQL file and copy the query to your migration file. Note: This command is in beta state and should not be used blindly Double check if the generated SQL query really fits your needs.
大家好 Shopware 开发者
我是 Shopware 开发的新手,我很惊讶地看到 Symfony 有一个 "doctrine generate migration" 命令可以自动生成 SQL 迁移,Shopware 似乎没有这个并且按照教程进行操作,看来我必须同时编写实体定义和迁移 SQL 以创建相应的 table.
对于 table 有很多字段的人来说,这很痛苦。 有什么解决方案可以自动生成它,确保没有错误吗?也许是一个插件?
Shopware 现在支持从实体生成架构的 cli 命令 bin/console dal:create:schema
请注意:目前是 2020 年 3 月,此功能仍处于测试阶段。所以仔细检查生成的模式文件。
This command selects all active entity definitions known to Shopware and tries to create SQL queries on base of the fields. Note: Your plugin has to be activated, otherwise your custom entity definition will not be considered. The queries are outputted into /schema. Search for the correct SQL file and copy the query to your migration file. Note: This command is in beta state and should not be used blindly Double check if the generated SQL query really fits your needs.