uv_start_read 在 windows 命名管道客户端等待,直到服务器关闭其管道并导致 EOF

uv_start_read on windows named pipe client waits until the server closes its pipe and results in EOF

我有两个程序,一个是我编写的,用作管道服务器并使用 io 完成端口。 另一个不是我写的,但它是开源的,它大量使用 libuv 进行异步处理。

现在我想编辑此程序以通过 libuv 添加管道功能并能够联系服务器。

我可以使用 uv_pipe_connect 连接到服务器并触发连接回调,然后我开始使用 uv_read_start 读取 returns 0(无错误)所以我希望一旦服务器写入客户端,就会触发分配回调和读取回调。

然而,当服务器写入一些字节并且我通过 iocp 收到一个通知,告知写入了一定数量的字节时,客户端没有收到任何东西,也没有调用任何回调。在关闭服务器进程时,调用读取回调时出现错误 EOF


class IPipeListener;

class PipeClient


    PipeClient(IPipeListener* listener, const std::string& pipe_name);


    void stop();


    static void onAllocBuff(uv_handle_t* handle, size_t suggested_size, uv_buf_t* buf);

    static void onConnect(uv_connect_t *connect_req, int result);

    static void onRead(uv_stream_t* stream, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf);

    static void onWrite(uv_write_t* req, int result);

    // a pod structure used to read and write data 
    PipeCommand command;
    IPipeListener* m_listener = nullptr;
    uv_pipe_t m_pipe;
    uv_connect_t m_connect;
    uv_read_t read_req;
    uv_write_t write_req;

PipeClient::PipeClient(IPipeListener* listener, const std::string& pipe_name)
    if (!listener || pipe_name.empty())
    m_listener = listener;
    uv_pipe_init(uv_default_loop(), &m_pipe, 1);
    m_connect.data = this;
    write_req.data = this;
    read_req.data = this;
    uv_pipe_connect(&m_connect, &m_pipe, pipe_name.c_str(), onConnect);

void PipeClient::onAllocBuff(uv_handle_t* handle, size_t suggested_size, uv_buf_t* buf)
    MessageBoxA(0, "onAllocBuff", "onAllocBuff", 0);
    auto pipe = static_cast<PipeClient*>(handle->data);
    buf->base = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&pipe->command);
    buf->len = sizeof(pipe->command);

void PipeClient::onConnect(uv_connect_t* connect_req, int result)
    MessageBoxA(0, "onConnect", "onConnect", 0);
    auto pipe = static_cast<PipeClient*>(connect_req->data);
    if (result < 0)
        pipe->command.code = PipeCommand::OpCode::Error;
    MessageBoxA(0, "starting read", "notify", 0);
    int r = uv_read_start(connect_req->handle, onAllocBuff, onRead);
    if (r != 0)
        std::string err_msg = "failed to start reading with error : ";
        err_msg += uv_err_name(r);
        MessageBoxA(0, err_msg.c_str(), "error", 0);

void PipeClient::onRead(uv_stream_t* stream, ssize_t nread, const uv_buf_t* buf)
    MessageBoxA(0, "onRead", "onRead", 0);
    auto pipe = static_cast<PipeClient*>(stream->data);
    if (nread < 0)
        std::string err_msg = "failed to read with error : ";
        err_msg += uv_err_name(nread);
        MessageBoxA(0, err_msg.c_str(), "error", 0);
        pipe->command.code = PipeCommand::OpCode::Error;

    uv_buf_t write_buff;
    write_buff.base = reinterpret_cast<char*>(&pipe->command);
    write_buff.len = sizeof(pipe->command);
        stream, &write_buff, 1, onWrite);

我必须在 uv_pipe_init 中将 ipc 标志设置为 0,并将 m_pipe 的数据设置为指向我的 PipeClient class .

从这里开始: https://github.com/libuv/libuv/blob/v1.x/src/win/pipe.c

我看到如果设置了 ipc 标志,管道读写不是普通的 iocp 读写,而是采用我不想要的另一种方法