MeshLabServer - 简化:Quadric Edge Collapse Decimation (WITH TEXTURE) 失败

MeshLabServer - Simplification : Quadric Edge Collapse Decimation (WITH TEXTURE) Failure

我测试了一些抽取/简化工具,以减少许多以编程方式表示 3D 模型的 OBJ 文件的三角形数量。

我对 MeshLab 中的函数“简化:二次边折叠抽取(带纹理)”有疑问。

当我 运行 函数时,我收到消息: Filter failure message

我找到了 IDE 的解决方法,我应用函数 Filters / Texture / Converts PerVertex UV into PerWedge UV 然后应用简化过滤器... 但是在 MeshLabXML api 中我找不到转换 UV 纹理坐标的滤镜...




  1. 使用命令 meshlabserver -i inputMesh.obj -o tmpMesh.obj -m wt
  2. 将网格转换为逐楔形纹理
  3. 使用 meshlabserver -i tmpMesh.obj -o outputMesh.obj -m wt -s myScript.mlx
  4. 应用您的其他过滤器

第二种方法是在调用 Simplification: Quadric Edge ... 之前在 mlx 脚本中调用过滤器 Convert PerVertex UV into PerWedge UV,一步完成所有操作。另外,我建议大家理智地打电话给 Remove Unreferenced Vertices

尝试将此脚本保存到名为 textureSimplify.mlx

<!DOCTYPE FilterScript>
 <filter name="Remove Unreferenced Vertices"/>
 <filter name="Convert PerVertex UV into PerWedge UV"/>
 <filter name="Simplification: Quadric Edge Collapse Decimation (with texture)">
  <Param value="3000" name="TargetFaceNum" description="Target number of faces" isxmlparam="0" tooltip="" type="RichInt"/>
  <Param value="0" name="TargetPerc" description="Percentage reduction (0..1)" isxmlparam="0" tooltip="" type="RichFloat"/>
  <Param value="0.3" name="QualityThr" description="Quality threshold" isxmlparam="0" tooltip="" type="RichFloat"/>
  <Param value="1" name="Extratcoordw" description="Texture Weight" isxmlparam="0" tooltip="" type="RichFloat"/>
  <Param value="false" name="PreserveBoundary" description="Preserve Boundary of the mesh" isxmlparam="0" tooltip="" type="RichBool"/>
  <Param value="1" name="BoundaryWeight" description="Boundary Preserving Weight" isxmlparam="0" tooltip="" type="RichFloat"/>
  <Param value="true" name="OptimalPlacement" description="Optimal position of simplified vertices" isxmlparam="0" tooltip="" type="RichBool"/>
  <Param value="true" name="PreserveNormal" description="Preserve Normal" isxmlparam="0" tooltip="" type="RichBool"/>
  <Param value="true" name="PlanarQuadric" description="Planar Simplification" isxmlparam="0" tooltip="" type="RichBool"/>
  <Param value="false" name="Selected" description="Simplify only selected faces" isxmlparam="0" tooltip="" type="RichBool"/>


编辑行 <Param value="3000" name="TargetFaceNum" 将值 3000 更改为您想要的面数,然后使用以下命令执行脚本:

> meshlabserver -i inputMesh.obj -o outputMesh.obj -m wt -s textureSimplify.mlx