Flexgrid 中的 Vb6 分组值

Vb6 Grouping Values in Flexgrid

我有一个 Flexgrid(vb6 不是 .Net)与任何 Db 断开连接,有一些行如下:

135,00  4
218,00  4
100,00  10
6,00    4
15,00   22

我无法创建一个循环来获取我在网格上有多少个不同的组(按增值税)并计算相对数量 3 组(在本例中为 4 / 10 / 22) 4 = 359,00 10 = 100 22 = 15,00 我不想使用带有 select 分组依据的数据库,而是预先计算数量并在 n 文本框中可视化。


Dim A, b, c, d 
if A = "" Then
A = xNum
  ElseIf A <> "" Then
 If A <> xNum Then
 If b = "" Then
   b = xNum
     ElseIf b <> "" Then
        If b <> xNum Then
          If c = "" Then
             c = xNum
              ElseIf c <> "" Then
                 If c <> xNum Then
                    If d = "" Then
                       d = xNum
                        ElseIf d <> "" Then [etc...]


我假设您使用的是 Microsoft FlexGrid 控件,其中第一列是数量,第二列是增值税。


Option Explicit

Private Sub cmdCalc_Click()
   On Error Resume Next

   Dim c As Collection
   Dim i As Integer
   Dim g As Group
   Dim data As String

   'calculate groups
   Set c = New Collection

   For i = 1 To MSFlexGrid1.Rows - 1
      Set g = New Group
      g.VAT = CInt(MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 2))
      g.Qty = CDbl(MSFlexGrid1.TextMatrix(i, 1))

      c.Add g, CStr(g.VAT)
      If Err.Number > 0 Then c(CStr(g.VAT)).Qty = c(CStr(g.VAT)).Qty + g.Qty

   'and visualize the data
   For Each g In c
      data = data & g.VAT & vbTab & g.Qty & vbCrLf

   Text1.Text = data
End Sub



Option Explicit

Private m_VAT As Integer
Private m_Qty As Double

Public Property Get VAT() As Integer
   VAT = m_VAT
End Property

Public Property Let VAT(ByVal Value As Integer)
   m_VAT = Value
End Property

Public Property Get Qty() As Double
   Qty = m_Qty
End Property

Public Property Let Qty(ByVal Value As Double)
   m_Qty = Value
End Property