kableExtra:更改 table 脚注的字体大小

kableExtra: Change font size of table footnote

我希望脚注中的字体大小小于 table 中的文字,但无法弄清楚。是否有类似于 kable_styling 的东西,我可以在其中编辑 table 中可用于脚注的行的文本和颜色?我正在使用 RMarkdown 生成 HTML 而不是 LateX。

title: "Untitled"
output: html_document

```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE )

library( kableExtra )
library( knitr ) 


```{r mtcars}

 tab_mtcars <- knitr::kable( mtcars[ 1:5 , c( 1:4 )] , format = "html", col.names = c( "MPG", "CYL", "DISP" , "HP" ) ,  align = "lccc" , escape = F ) %>% kable_styling( full_width = T , bootstrap_options = c( "hover", "condensed" , "bordered"), position = "left") %>% add_header_above( c( "mtcars example" = 5 ) , bold = TRUE ) %>% footnote( general = c( "Here is the footnote where I would like font smaller than above" ),     general_title = "Note: ", footnote_as_chunk = T )


`r tab_mtcars`

据我所知,kable() 似乎没有办法控制它,因此您可以更改 CSS 样式。使用如下 YAML:

title: "Untitled"
    css: style.css

和同一文件夹中的 style.css 文件包含一些 css 代码:

tfoot {
  font-size: 80%;

您可以在 kabaleExtra::footnote 函数的 generalgeneral_title 参数的文本中使用 html <small> 标记。参见示例:

tab_mtcars <-
    mtcars[1:5 , c(1:4)] ,
    format = "html",
    col.names = c("MPG", "CYL", "DISP" , "HP") ,
    align = "lccc" ,
    escape = F
  ) %>%
    full_width = T ,
    bootstrap_options = c("hover", "condensed" , "bordered"),
    position = "left"
  ) %>% add_header_above(c("mtcars example" = 5) , bold = TRUE) %>% footnote(
    general = c(
      "<small>Here is the footnote where I would like font smaller than above</small>"
    general_title = "<small>Note: </small>",
    footnote_as_chunk = T ,
    escape = F