Ansible - 当条件不适用于元任务时

Ansible - When condition not working with meta task

我似乎无法在元标记中使用 when 条件。我尝试了一些变体,也做了一些阅读,但仍然不确定,所以我想我也会在这里问一下


- name: "This is my task"
  command: "{{ path to conda }} {{ script }}"
  register: check
  until: check is succeeded
  retries: 5
  no_log: false

- name: "End this play if the script ran successfully on 1 remote target"
  meta: end_play
    - check is succeeded


ERROR! The conditional check 'check is succeeded' failed. The error was: The failed test expects a dictionary The error appears to have been in '/path/to/roles/tasks/main.yml': line 9, column 3, but may be elsewhere in the file depending on the exact syntax problem. The offending line appears to be: - name: "End this play if the script ran successfully on 1 remote target" ^ here


共享指定的解决方法。在我的用例中,我基本上想 "try" 对整个清单执行一项任务 直到 成功

最终使用主机变量。如果它是清单中的第一台主机,这将始终尝试该任务,并且将 "look-back" 在决定​​在下一个 inv 主机上再次执行它之前,在前一个主机的尝试中。

# my task
- name: "Attempt this task on each host if unsuccessful"
  raw: "raw_command_here_as_remote_host_is_using_rbash"
  register: status
  when: >
    inventory_hostname == ansible_play_hosts_all[0] or
    hostvars [ ansible_play_hosts_all [ groups ['my_host_group'].index(inventory_hostname) | int - 1 ] ] ['stop_it'] == 'false'
  ignore_errors: yes
  until: status is succeeded
  retries: 1

- set_fact:
    stop_it: true
    cacheable: yes
  when: status is succeeded

- set_fact:
    stop_it: false
    cacheable: yes
  when: status is not succeeded


共享指定的解决方法。在我的用例中,我基本上想 "try" 对整个库存执行任务,直到成功

最终使用主机变量。如果它是清单中的第一台主机,这将始终尝试该任务,并且将 "look-back" 在决定​​在下一个 inv 主机上再次执行它之前在前一个主机的尝试中。

# my task
- name: "Attempt this task on each host if unsuccessful"
  raw: "raw_command_here_as_remote_host_is_using_rbash"
  register: status
  when: >
    inventory_hostname == ansible_play_hosts_all[0] or
    hostvars [ ansible_play_hosts_all [ groups ['my_host_group'].index(inventory_hostname) | int - 1 ] ] ['stop_it'] == 'false'
  ignore_errors: yes
  until: status is succeeded
  retries: 1

- set_fact:
    stop_it: true
    cacheable: yes
  when: status is succeeded

- set_fact:
    stop_it: false
    cacheable: yes
  when: status is not succeeded