Xamarin Forms:如何通过 属性 名称获取 BindableProperty?

Xamarin Forms: How to get the BindableProperty by the property name?

Hi, i need to get the BindableProperty by the property name.

public BindableProperty GetBindableProperty(BindableObject bindableObj, string propertyName) {
    if(typeof(Entry) == bindableObj.GetType()) {
        if("Text" == propertyName) {
            return (Entry.TextProperty);
        if("TextColor" == propertyName) {
            return (Entry.TextColorProperty);
    return (null);

But i do not want to use this "if else" style. Is there a general way that I don't need to judge the type and name?

Hi, I found the solution now:

public BindableProperty GetBindableProperty(BindableObject bindableObj, string propertyName) {
    Type type = bindableObj.GetType();
    FieldInfo fieldInfo;
    while(null == (fieldInfo = type.GetField(propertyName + "Property", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public))) {
        type = type.BaseType;
    if(null == fieldInfo) {
        throw (new Exception("Can not find the BindableProperty for " + propertyName));
    return ((BindableProperty)(fieldInfo.GetValue(bindableObj)));