RQDA - 项目中每个文件的导出类别

RQDA - Export categories per file in a project

我已经在 RQDA 中编码了一些文本,我正在尝试将类别导出到数据库中。我希望最终结果成为这样的数据框:

Files   Categories
File1   Category1
File2   Category2
File3   Category3
File4   Category2
File5   Category1

我尝试了从这里改编的以下代码 Rblogger:

categories <- RQDAQuery("select filecat.name as category, source.name as filename 
                         from treefile, filecat, source 
                         where treefile.catid=filecat.catid and treefile.fid=source.id and treefile.status=1")


'data.frame':   0 obs. of  2 variables:
 $ category: chr 
 $ filename: chr 

> dim(categories)
[1] 0 2
> summarise(categories)
data frame with 0 columns and 1 row



codings <-RQDAQuery("select s.name as 'filename', f.name as 'codes' from source s, 
                   coding c, 
                   freecode f where s.id = c.fid and c.cid = f.id and s.status = 1 order by s.name")

categories <- RQDAQuery("select s.name as 'filename', 
                    co.name as 'categories' from source s, 
                    coding c, freecode f, codecat co, 
                    treecode tr where s.id = 
                    c.fid and c.cid = f.id and co.catid = 
                    tr.catid and tr.cid = f.id and s.status = 1 and c.status = 1 and 
                    f.status = 1 order by s.name")
