如何在整个工作表中使用(ByVal Target as Range)多个范围 - VBA?

How to use (ByVal Target as Range) for multiple ranges throughout sheets - VBA?

所以我试图创建一个代码来触发基于多个范围的事件的宏,范围因 sheet 而异所以我计划添加具有不同范围的事件代码每个的 Sheet 对象选项卡。当涉及两个不同的范围时,我的代码工作得很好。但是当我添加第三个范围时,出现以下错误:

下面附上我的模块代码和我在每个 sheet.

上放置的(ByVal Target as Range)代码
    Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As range)
        Dim rngToCheck As range
        Set rngToCheck = Intersect(Target, Me.range("E5:E36", "P5:P36"))

        If rngToCheck Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

        On Error GoTo SafeExit
        Application.EnableEvents = False

        Dim rng As range
        For Each rng In rngToCheck
            Select Case rng.Value
                Case "Final Action Taken"
                Case "Populate Non Final Action Taken Date"
                Case "Populate Previous SPD Submission"
                Case "Final Action Taken SPD"
            End Select

        Application.EnableEvents = True
    End Sub

            Sub Final_Action_Taken()
        'Ask for the date of last submission of document by business

        If ActiveCell = "Final Action Taken" Then

        Dim myValue As Variant, Output As range

        myValue = InputBox("Please enter the final document submission date for the current Sign Off Year.", "Final Submission Date")

        Set Output = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2)

        Output = myValue

        End If
        End Sub
Sub EnterNonFinal_Date()
If ActiveCell = "Populate Non Final Action Taken Date" Then

Dim Output As range
Dim myValue As Variant

myValue = "=today()"

Set Output = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2)

Output = myValue

End If

End Sub

Sub SPD_PreviousSubmission()
'Ask for the date of last submission of document by business

If ActiveCell = "Populate Previous SPD Submission" Then

Dim myValue As Variant

Dim Output As range

Dim Output2 As range

Dim myValue2 As Variant

myValue = InputBox("Please enter the Previous SPD Submission Date.", "Previous SPD Submission Date")

Set Output = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 1)

Output = myValue

myValue2 = "=today()"

Set Output2 = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2)

Output2 = myValue2

End If
End Sub

Sub Final_Action_TakenSPD()
'Ask for the date of last submission of document by business

If ActiveCell = "Final Action Taken SPD" Then

Dim myValue As Variant, Output As range

myValue = InputBox("Please enter the final document submission date for the current Sign Off Year.", "Final Submission Date")

Set Output = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2)

Output = myValue

End If
End Sub

请注意,我是 VBA 的初学者,所以我有点迷茫,非常感谢任何帮助。



Set rngToCheck = Intersect(Target, Me.Range("E5:E36,P5:P36,Q5:Q36"))

来自 Range 文档:

Use Range (cell1, cell2), where cell1 and cell2 are Range objects that specify the start and end cells, to return a Range object



Intersect(Target, Union(Me.Range("E5:E36"), Me.Range("P5:P36")))


Intersect(Target, Me.range("E5:E36", "P5:P36")).