我接受了"Apple Developer Program License Agreement ",但它不是隐藏的

I accepted "Apple Developer Program License Agreement ", but it is not hide

我在会员中心接受了"Apple Developer Program License Agreement",但是通知在iTunes Connect中没有隐藏。目前我在会员中心没有任何许可协议。我该怎么办? 它包括以下

Agreements, Tax, and Banking Review the Paid Applications Schedule. The iOS paid applications schedule (“iOS Schedule 2”) and the Mac paid application Agreement schedule (“Mac Schedule 2”) have been combined into a single Schedule 2 covering both programs, and the Custom B2B schedules (“Schedule 3”) for iOS and Mac have been combined as well. To create new paid apps and in-app purchases and upload binaries to the App Store, the user with the Legal role must review and accept the Paid Applications Schedule (Schedule 2 to the Apple Developer Program License Agreement) in the Agreements, Tax, and Banking module.

To accept this agreement, the user with the Team Agent role must have already accepted the Apple Developer Program License Agreement in the Member Center.

除了会员中心,您还需要转到 iTunesconnect 中的 "Agreements, Tax, and Banking",在顶部您会看到包含您的地址和一些信息的一行。旁边有一个按钮"Amendments"。没有任何 "Schedule 2" 或 "Schedule 3" 的词。您必须单击此 "Amandments" 并接受。之后一切都会好起来的。出于某种原因,我没想到它会落后于此 "Amandements" 所以希望它也能帮助其他人。如果您在 iTunesConnect 中没有 "Agreements, Tax, and Banking",您需要具有法律角色的用户才能执行此操作。