Amazon Pay 授权参考 ID

Amazon Pay Authorization Reference ID

我将亚马逊支付集成到我的网站中,并按照 Amazon Pay SDK Simple Checkout. Its all working so far, but in the last step 中的说明进行操作,代码示例显示我需要一个授权参考 ID。

namespace AmazonPay;


// Create the parameters array
$requestParameters = array();

// Refer to GetDetails.php where the Amazon Order Reference ID was set
$requestParameters['amazon_order_reference_id'] = 'AMAZON_ORDER_REFERENCE_ID';

// Confirm the order by making the ConfirmOrderReference API call
$response = $client->confirmOrderReference($requestParameters);

$responsearray['confirm'] = json_decode($response->toJson());

// If the API call was a success make the Authorize API call
$requestParameters['authorization_amount'] = '175.00';
############ WHERE DO I GET THIS? ################
$requestParameters['authorization_reference_id'] = 'Your Unique Reference Id';
$requestParameters['seller_authorization_note'] = 'Authorizing payment';
$requestParameters['transaction_timeout'] = 0;

$response = $client->authorize($requestParameters);
$responsearray['authorize'] = json_decode($response->toJson());

// If the Authorize API call was a success, make the Capture API call when you are ready to capture             
for the order (for example when the order has been dispatched)
$requestParameters['amazon_authorization_id'] = 'Parse the Authorize Response for this id';
$requestParameters['capture_amount'] = '175.00';
$requestParameters['currency_code'] = 'USD';
$requestParameters['capture_reference_id'] = 'Your Unique Reference Id';

$response = $client->capture($requestParameters);
$responsearray['capture'] = json_decode($response->toJson());

// Echo the Json encoded array for the Ajax success
echo json_encode($responsearray);

如上所示需要设置'authorization_reference_id'。但我不知道如何得到它。它不在我之前对设置新订单的回复中。它也不包含在 "confirmOrderReference" 响应中。我是不是错过了什么或者代码示例不完整?

$requestParameters['authorization_reference_id'] = 'Your Unique Reference Id';


authorization_reference_id is given by you。它应该是独一无二的。

您可以使用 PHP 中的 uniqid 内置函数来生成它。它对于每个请求都必须是唯一的。

$requestParameters['authorization_reference_id'] = uniqid();