如何使用 Unity3D 在运行时设置 undo/redo 系统

How to setup undo/redo system during runtime with Unity3D

我试图在运行时设置一个 undo/redo 系统,但我的代码无法正常工作。我创建了一个撤消按钮,但是当我移动游戏对象并按下撤消按钮时,游戏对象不会返回到其原始状态。

我只是想让最终用户撤消/重做他最近的操作在运行时并且不在编辑器模式 .我做了几次尝试,尝试了许多不同的脚本,但没有取得任何进展。有什么建议么?

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class undoit : MonoBehaviour
    public class setting
        public GameObject Obj;
        public Vector3 Pos;
        public Quaternion Rot;
        public bool Deleted;

        public void Restore()
            Obj.transform.position = Pos;
            Obj.transform.rotation = Rot;
        public setting(GameObject g)
            Obj = g;
            Pos = g.transform.position;
            Rot = g.transform.rotation;
            Deleted = g.activeSelf;
    public List<setting> UndoList;

    public void AddUndo(GameObject g)
        setting s = new setting(g);
    public void Undo()
        if (UndoList.Count > 0)
            UndoList[UndoList.Count - 1].Restore();
            UndoList.RemoveAt(UndoList.Count - 1);
    void Start()
        UndoList = new List<setting>();


public struct ObjectState
    // The transform this data belongs to
    private Transform transform;

    private Vector3 localPosition;
    private Quaternion localRotation;
    private Vector3 localScale;

    private bool active;

    public ObjectState (GameObject obj)
        transform = obj.transform;
        localPosition = transform.localPosition;
        localRotation = transform.localRotation;
        localScale = transform.localScale;

        active = obj.activeSelf;

    public void Apply()
        transform.localPosition = localPosition;
        transform.localRotation = localRotation;
        transform.localScale = localScale;


接下来我将使用包装器 class 来存储可撤消的更改,例如

public struct UndoableChange
    private ObjectState _before;
    private ObjectState _after;

    public UndoableChange (ObjectState before, ObjectState after)
        _before = before;
        _after = after;

    public void Undo()

    public void Redo()


public struct UndoableChange
    private List<ObjectState> _before;
    private List<ObjectState> _after;

    public UndoableChange (List<ObjectState> before, List<ObjectState> after)
        _before = before;
        _after = after;

    public void Undo()
        foreach(var state in _before)

    public void Redo()
        foreach(var state in _after)

然后对于控制器,我将使用两个 StackStack 是 "last in - first out",这正是您所需要的。您使用 Push 添加新条目并使用 Pop 检索最后添加的元素,同时将其从堆栈中删除。所以它看起来像

public static class UndoRedo
    private static Stack<UndoableChange> undoStack = new Stack<UndoableChange>();
    private static Stack<UndoableChange> redoStack = new Stack<UndoableChange>();

    public static void Undo()
        if(undoStack.Count == 0) return;

        var lastAction = undoStack.Pop();



    public static void Redo()
        if(redoStack.Count == 0) return;

        var lastAction = redoStack.Pop();



    public static void AddAction(UndoableChange action)



// at some point store the initial values
var before = new ObjectState (selectedGameObject);

//TODO Apply all your changes to the selected object 

// get the new values
var after = new ObjectState (selectedGameObject);

// Log to the history
UndoRedo.AddAction(new UndoableChange(before, after));

或相应地为所有选定对象使用列表,例如只需使用 Linq

using System.Linq;


var before = selectedGameObjects.Select(obj => new ObjectState(obj)).ToList();

//TODO Apply all your changes to all the selected objects 

var after = selectedGameObjects.Select(obj => new ObjectState(obj)).ToList();

UndoRedo.AddAction(new UndoableChange(before, after));
