FIWARE - 令牌 API Orion 上下文代理

FIWARE - Token API Orion Context Broker

我的服务器中有一个 Orion Context Broker ( but i need to add some restrictions to my "consumers" when they use the endpoint(s) e.g(http://myhost:1026/v2/entities). Is possible configure the local/personal Broker with token like ?


Orion Context Broker 不直接提供角色和权限。 要添加角色和权限以限制端点,您需要使用 PEP 代理 - 您使用哪种安全机制来执行此操作由您决定。

FIWARE Catalogue, alternatively you could another open source PEP Proxy such as steelskin which integrates nicely with either Keyrock or Keystone

中发现了几个基于 OAuth2 的安全组件