如何使用 SpannableString 更改行 space?

How to change line space with a SpannableString?

对于一个项目,我必须使用粗体、斜体、大小等属性在 EditText 中编辑文本。因此,我制作了一个 CustomSpan,它实现了 StyleSpan,具有我需要的所有属性。在我的代码下面:

class CustomSpan(
    val bold: Boolean = false,
    val italic: Boolean = false,
    val size: Int = 14,
    val color: Int = Color.BLACK,
    val letterSpacing: Float = 0f
): StyleSpan(when {
        bold && italic -> Typeface.BOLD_ITALIC
        bold -> Typeface.BOLD
        italic -> Typeface.ITALIC
        else -> Typeface.NORMAL
    }) {

    override fun updateDrawState(ds: TextPaint) {

        ds.color = color
        ds.textSize = size.toFloat()
        ds.letterSpacing = letterSpacing

    override fun updateMeasureState(paint: TextPaint) {

        paint.color = color
        paint.textSize = size.toFloat()
        paint.letterSpacing = letterSpacing

    fun copy() : CustomSpan = CustomSpan(bold, italic, size, color, font, letterSpacing)

    fun copyWith(bold: Boolean? = null,
                 italic: Boolean? = null,
                 size: Int? = null,
                 color: Int? = null,
                 letterSpacing: Float? = null) : CustomSpan {

        return CustomSpan(
            bold = bold ?: this.bold,
            italic = italic ?: this.italic,
            size = size ?: this.size,
            color = color ?: this.color,
            letterSpacing = letterSpacing ?: this.letterSpacing

但是,我还需要更改 EditText 中行与行之间的行 space。为此,我想改变底部或填充,但我不知道该怎么做。你有什么想法吗?


也许你可以通过 baselineShift 实现这一点,你可以尝试这样的事情:

override fun updateDrawState(ds: TextPaint) {

    ds.color = color
    ds.textSize = size.toFloat()
    ds.letterSpacing = letterSpacing

    // here you might want to play with a specific value or ds.ascent/ds.descent..
    ds.baselineShift += 12