如何在 Vue 中创建一个计算数组,然后在计算数组上使用 v-model 时使用 v-if all 渲染它?

How can I create a computed array in Vue and then render it using v-if all while using v-model on the computed array?

我一直在尝试创建一个计算数组,然后使用 v-if 进行渲染。但它也需要与 v-model 一起工作。它需要 v-model 的原因是因为它是使用 vuedraggable 的可拖动列表的一部分。

目前我得到以下错误Computed property "list" was assigned to but it has no setter.


      <transition-group name="flip-list" type="transition">
          v-for="text in list"
          class="drag-item flex flex-justify-betweeen"
        >{{ text }}</li>

import draggable from "vuedraggable";

export default {
  name: "Drag",
  data() {
    return {
      test: [],
      lists: [
          title: "0-6 months",
          correctlyOrderedList: [
            "Lifting Head",
            "Sitting (with support)"
          title: "6-12 months",
          correctlyOrderedList: [
            "Crawling on stomach",
            "Sitting (without support)",
            "Stands with support and walks holding on",
            "Rolls a ball"
          title: "12-18 months",
          correctlyOrderedList: ["Crawling", "Walks alone"]
          title: "18 months – 2 years",
          correctlyOrderedList: [
            "Walks smoothly and turns corners",
            "Walks upstairs with support",
            "Begins running"
          title: "2-3 years",
          correctlyOrderedList: [
            "Walks upstairs without support",
            "Runs safely",
            "Catches using body and arms"
          title: "3-4 years",
          correctlyOrderedList: ["Kicks a ball forwards", "Can hop on one foot"]
          title: "4-5 years",
          correctlyOrderedList: [
            "Catches using only their hands",
            "Can skip following a demonstration"
  components: {
  methods: {
    fullArrayMethod() {
      //Puts all statements into single array
      let i;
      let v;
      let fullArrayInOrder = [];
      for (i = 0; i < this.lists.length; i++) {
        for (v = 0; v < this.lists[i].correctlyOrderedList.length; v++) {
      return fullArrayInOrder;
    disorderedArrayMethod() {
      //Randomizes array
      let fullArrayInOrder = this.fullArrayMethod();
      var copy = [],
        n = fullArrayInOrder.length,
      // While there remain elements to shuffle…
      while (n) {
        // Pick a remaining element…
        i = Math.floor(Math.random() * fullArrayInOrder.length);

        // If not already shuffled, move it to the new array.
        if (i in fullArrayInOrder) {
          delete fullArrayInOrder[i];
      return copy;
    chunk(array, size) {
      const chunked_arr = [];
      let index = 0;
      while (index < array.length) {
        chunked_arr.push(array.slice(index, size + index));
        index += size;
      return chunked_arr;
    splitArrayFinalProduct() {
      let disorderedArray = this.disorderedArrayMethod();
      let finalArray = this.chunk(disorderedArray, 3);
      return finalArray;
  computed: {
    dragOptions() {
      return {
        animation: 0,
        group: "shared",
        disabled: false,
        ghostClass: "ghost"
    list() {
      return this.disorderedArrayMethod();



为了让计算的数组变量与 v-model 和 v-for 一起工作,我使用了 map(),如下所示:

let completeListOfStatements = this.lists.map(
d => d.correctlyOrderedList


然后在 v-model 中我将它设置为对象内的数组。这与我在 map() 上使用的是同一个。这可以在下面看到。



  <div class="draggable-list-container">
      v-for="(statement, index) in splitCompleteListOfStatements"
      <h1>{{ lists[index].title }}</h1>
        <transition-group name="flip-list" type="transition">
            v-for="(statement, index) in statement"
            :key="index + 'index'"
            class="drag-item flex flex-justify-betweeen"
          >{{ statement }}</li>
    <div class="submit-button-container">
      <button class="btn" @click="revealAnswers">Reveal answers</button>

import draggable from "vuedraggable";

export default {
  name: "Drag",
  data() {
    return {
      lists: [
          title: "0-6 months",
          correctlyOrderedList: [
            "Lifting Head",
            "Sitting (with support)"
          title: "6-12 months",
          correctlyOrderedList: [
            "Crawling on stomach",
            "Sitting (without support)",
            "Stands with support and walks holding on",
            "Rolls a ball"
          title: "12-18 months",
          correctlyOrderedList: ["Crawling", "Walks alone"]
          title: "18 months – 2 years",
          correctlyOrderedList: [
            "Walks smoothly and turns corners",
            "Walks upstairs with support",
            "Begins running"
          title: "2-3 years",
          correctlyOrderedList: [
            "Walks upstairs without support",
            "Runs safely",
            "Catches using body and arms"
          title: "3-4 years",
          correctlyOrderedList: ["Kicks a ball forwards", "Can hop on one foot"]
          title: "4-5 years",
          correctlyOrderedList: [
            "Catches using only their hands",
            "Can skip following a demonstration"
  components: {
  methods: {
    disorderedArrayMethod(value) {
      //Randomizes array
      let fullArrayInOrder = value;
      var copy = [],
        n = fullArrayInOrder.length,
      // While there remain elements to shuffle…
      while (n) {
        // Pick a remaining element…
        i = Math.floor(Math.random() * fullArrayInOrder.length);

        // If not already shuffled, move it to the new array.
        if (i in fullArrayInOrder) {
          delete fullArrayInOrder[i];
      return copy;
    revealAnswers() {this.splitCompleteListOfStatements[0].push("Hello")}
  computed: {
    dragOptions() {
      return {
        animation: 0,
        group: "shared",
        disabled: false,
        ghostClass: "ghost"
    splitCompleteListOfStatements() {
      let completeListOfStatements = this.lists.map(
        //Maps out full array (Basically loops through gathers the arrays and creates an array from them)
        d => d.correctlyOrderedList
      completeListOfStatements = completeListOfStatements.reduce(function(
        //The map returns an array as the following [[a,b], [], []] etc. So this turns it into [a,b,c,d]
      ) {
        return a.concat(b);
      }, []);
      completeListOfStatements = this.disorderedArrayMethod(
      ); //This sends it to a method that jumbles the array

      var temp = [];
      var preVal = 0;
      var nextVal = 3;
      for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
        temp.push(completeListOfStatements.slice(preVal, nextVal));
        preVal = nextVal;
        nextVal = nextVal + 3;
      return temp;

<!-- Add "scoped" attribute to limit CSS to this component only -->
<style scoped>
.title {
  margin-bottom: 0.5em;
.submit-button-container {
  margin-top: 5px;
.btn {
  width: 10em;
  height: 5em;
.draggable-list-container {
  display: inline-block;
  justify-content: center;
  min-height: 200px;
.list-group {
  min-height: 80px;
.drag-item {
  justify-content: center;
  padding: 15px 10px;
  background-color: whitesmoke;
  border: 1px solid black;
  width: 20em;
  margin: 2px;
  cursor: move;
.list-group-item {
  position: relative;
  display: block;
  padding: 0.75rem 1.25rem;
  margin-bottom: -1px;
  background-color: #fff;
  border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.125);
.flip-list-move {
  transition: transform 0.5s;
.no-move {
  transition: transform 0s;
.ghost {
  opacity: 0.5;
  background: #c8ebfb;
.list-group-item {
  cursor: move;