神经网络 - 以向量为中心 Python 实施
Neural Network - Vector Centric Python implementation
你好,我尝试使用一个以向量为中心的神经网络,它有一个输入节点、一个输出节点和两个隐藏层,每个隐藏层有 3 个节点,以适应一个非常简单的 x**2 函数。 - 只是为了验证其功能。因此我使用下面的代码。结果我得到了橙色线,蓝色线是真实的线。
如您所见,有些东西不起作用。我试图改变迭代次数和学习率的值,但没有成功。如果我在迭代中绘制损失,我得到 100 次迭代的下图:
我还没有添加偏差,但我认为这个简单的函数应该可以在没有额外偏差节点的情况下进行拟合。此外,我假设代码中的失败最有可能出现在代码的 "Calculate the Gradients with respect to the weights" 部分...
- 我的代码中是否有任何基本故障导致代码无法运行
- 如果不是,为什么我的模型无法拟合简单数据
代码来了 - 可以玩了:
class Neural_Net:
def __init__(self, activation_function, learning_rate, runs):
self.activation_function = activation_function
self.X_train = np.linspace(0,1,1000)
self.y_train = self.X_train**2
plt.plot(self.X_train, self.y_train)
self.y_pred = None
self.W_input = np.random.randn(1, 3)
self.Partials_W_input = np.random.randn(1, 3)
self.W_hidden = np.random.randn(3,3)
self.Partials_W_hidden = np.random.randn(3,3)
self.W_output = np.random.randn(3,1)
self.Partials_W_output = np.random.randn(3,1)
self.Activations = np.ones((3,2))
self.Partials = np.ones((3,2))
self.Output_Gradient = None
self.Loss = 0
self.learning_rate = learning_rate
self.runs = runs
self.Losses = []
self.i = 0
def apply_activation_function(self, activation_vector):
return 1/(1+np.exp(-activation_vector))
def forward_pass(self, training_instance):
for layer in range(len(self.Activations[0])):
# For the first layer between X and the first hidden layer
pre_activation_first = self.W_input.T @ training_instance.reshape(1,1)
# print('pre activation: ', pre_activation)
# Apply the activation function
self.Activations[:,0] = self.apply_activation_function(pre_activation_first).ravel()
pre_activation_hidden = self.W_hidden.T @ self.Activations[:, layer-1]
self.Activations[:, layer] = self.apply_activation_function(pre_activation_hidden)
# print('Activations: ', self.Activations)
output = self.W_output.T @ self.Activations[:, -1]
# print('output: ', output)
return output
def backpropagation(self, y_true, training_instance):
if self.activation_function == 'linear':
# Calculate the ouput gradient
self.Output_Gradient = -(y_true-self.y_pred)
# print('Output Gradient: ', self.Output_Gradient)
# Calculate the partial gradients of the Error with respect to the pre acitvation values in the nodes
self.Partials[:, 1] = self.Activations[:, 1]*(1-self.Activations[:, 1])*(self.W_output @ self.Output_Gradient)
self.Partials[:, 0] = self.Activations[:, 0]*(1-self.Activations[:, 0])*(self.W_hidden @ self.Partials[:, 1])
# print('Partials: ', self.Partials)
# Calculate the Gradients with respect to the weights
self.Partials_W_output = self.Output_Gradient * self.Activations[:, -1]
# print('Partials_W_output: ', self.Partials_W_output)
self.Partials_W_hidden = self.Partials[:, -1].reshape(3,1) * self.Activations[:, 0].reshape(1,3)
# print('Partials_W_hidden: ',self.Partials_W_hidden)
self.Partials_W_input = (self.Partials[:, 0].reshape(3,1) * training_instance.T).T
# print('Partials_W_input: ', self.Partials_W_input)
def weight_update(self, training_instance, learning_rate):
# Output Layer weights
w_output_old = self.W_output.copy()
self.W_output = w_output_old - learning_rate*self.Output_Gradient
# Hidden Layer weights
w_hidden_old = self.W_hidden.copy()
self.W_hidden = w_hidden_old - learning_rate * self.W_hidden
# print('W_hidden new: ', self.W_hidden)
# Input Layer weights
w_input_old = self.W_input.copy()
self.W_input = w_input_old - learning_rate * self.W_input
# print('W_input new: ', self.W_input)
def train_model(self):
for _ in range(self.runs):
for instance in range(len(self.X_train)):
# forward pass
self.y_pred = self.forward_pass(self.X_train[instance])
# Calculate loss
self.Loss = self.calc_loss(self.y_pred, self.y_train[instance])
# print('Loss: ', self.Loss)
# Calculate backpropagation
self.backpropagation(self.y_train[instance], self.X_train[instance])
# Update weights
self.weight_update(self.X_train[instance], self.learning_rate)
# print(self.Losses)
# plt.plot(range(len(self.Losses)), self.Losses)
# plt.show()
# Make predictions on training data to check if the model is basically able to fit the training data
predictions = []
for i in np.linspace(0,1,1000):
plt.plot(np.linspace(0,1,1000), predictions)
def make_prediction(self, X_new):
return self.forward_pass(X_new)
def calc_loss(self, y_pred, y_true):
loss = (1/2)*(y_true-y_pred)**2
return (1/2)*(y_true-y_pred)**2
def accuracy(self):
Neural_Net('linear', 0.0001, 10).train_model()
有关想法,请参阅维基百科上的 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Activation_function#Comparison_of_activation_functions。事实上,函数的比较是从对理想特征的回顾开始的,第一个是非线性的:
Comparison of activation functions
Some desirable properties in an activation function include:
- Nonlinear – When the activation function is non-linear, then a two-layer neural network can be proven to be a universal function approximator.[6] The identity activation function does not satisfy this property. When multiple layers use the identity activation function, the entire network is equivalent to a single-layer model.
self.W_hidden = w_hidden_old - learning_rate * self.W_hidden
self.W_hidden = w_hidden_old - learning_rate * self.Partials_W_hidden
class Neural_Net:
def __init__(self, activation_function, learning_rate, runs):
self.activation_function = activation_function
self.Data = pd.read_csv(r"U:_035_Machine_Learning_Workshop_Workshopinhalt\Weitere\Neural Networks\AirQualityUCI\AirQualityUCI.csv", sep=';', decimal=b',').iloc[:, :-2].dropna()
self.X_train = np.linspace(0,5,1000)
self.y_train = np.sin(self.X_train)
plt.plot(self.X_train, self.y_train)
self.y_pred = None
self.W_input = np.random.randn(1, 3)
self.Partials_W_input = np.random.randn(1, 3)
self.W_hidden = np.random.randn(3,3)
self.Partials_W_hidden = np.random.randn(3,3)
self.W_output = np.random.randn(3,1)
self.Partials_W_output = np.random.randn(3,1)
self.Activations = np.zeros((3,2))
self.Partials = np.zeros((3,2))
self.Output_Gradient = None
self.Loss = 0
self.learning_rate = learning_rate
self.runs = runs
self.Losses = []
self.i = 0
def apply_activation_function(self, activation_vector):
# print('activation: ', 1/(1+np.exp(-activation_vector)))
return 1/(1+np.exp(-activation_vector))
def forward_pass(self, training_instance):
for layer in range(len(self.Activations[0])):
# For the first layer between X and the first hidden layer
if layer == 0:
pre_activation_first = self.W_input.T @ training_instance.reshape(1,1)
# print('pre activation: ', pre_activation)
# Apply the activation function
self.Activations[:,0] = self.apply_activation_function(pre_activation_first).ravel()
pre_activation_hidden = self.W_hidden.T @ self.Activations[:, layer-1]
self.Activations[:, layer] = self.apply_activation_function(pre_activation_hidden)
# print('Activations: ', self.Activations)
output = self.W_output.T @ self.Activations[:, -1].reshape(-1,1)
# print('output: ', output)
return output
def backpropagation(self, y_true, training_instance):
if self.activation_function == 'sigmoid':
if self.activation_function == 'linear':
# Calculate the ouput gradient
self.Output_Gradient = -(y_true-self.y_pred)
# print('Output Gradient: ', self.Output_Gradient)
# Calculate the partial gradients of the Error with respect to the pre acitvation values in the nodes
self.Partials[:, 1] = ((self.Activations[:, 1]*(1-self.Activations[:, 1])).reshape(-1,1)*(self.W_output @ self.Output_Gradient)).ravel()
self.Partials[:, 0] = self.Activations[:, 0]*(1-self.Activations[:, 0])*(self.W_hidden @ self.Partials[:, 1])
# print('Partials: ', self.Partials)
# Calculate the Gradients with respect to the weights
self.Partials_W_output = self.Output_Gradient * self.Activations[:, -1]
# print('Partials_W_output: ', self.Partials_W_output)
self.Partials_W_hidden = self.Partials[:, -1].reshape(3,1) * self.Activations[:, 0].reshape(1,3)
# print('Partials_W_hidden: ',self.Partials_W_hidden)
self.Partials_W_input = (self.Partials[:, 0].reshape(3,1) * training_instance.T).T
# print('Partials_W_input: ', self.Partials_W_input)
def weight_update(self, training_instance, learning_rate):
# Output Layer weights
w_output_old = self.W_output.copy()
self.W_output = w_output_old - learning_rate*self.Partials_W_output.reshape(-1,1)
# Hidden Layer weights
w_hidden_old = self.W_hidden.copy()
self.W_hidden = w_hidden_old - learning_rate * self.Partials_W_hidden
# print('W_hidden new: ', self.W_hidden)
# Input Layer weights
w_input_old = self.W_input.copy()
self.W_input = w_input_old - learning_rate * self.Partials_W_input
# print('W_input new: ', self.W_input)
def train_model(self):
# print('Initially predicted Value: ', self.make_prediction(self.X_test[0]))
# print('True value: ', self.y_test[0])
for _ in range(self.runs):
for instance in range(len(self.X_train)):
# forward pass
self.y_pred = self.forward_pass(self.X_train[instance])
# Calculate loss
self.Loss = self.calc_loss(self.y_pred, self.y_train[instance])
# print('Loss: ', self.Loss)
# Calculate backpropagation
self.backpropagation(self.y_train[instance], self.X_train[instance])
# Update weights
self.weight_update(self.X_train[instance], self.learning_rate)
# print(self.Losses)
# plt.plot(range(len(self.Losses)), self.Losses)
# plt.show()
# Make predictions
predictions = []
for i in np.linspace(0,5,1000):
plt.plot(np.linspace(0,5,1000), predictions)
def make_prediction(self, X_new):
return self.forward_pass(X_new)
def calc_loss(self, y_pred, y_true):
loss = (1/2)*(y_true-y_pred)**2
return (1/2)*(y_true-y_pred)**2
def accuracy(self):
Neural_Net('linear', 0.1, 1500).train_model()
你好,我尝试使用一个以向量为中心的神经网络,它有一个输入节点、一个输出节点和两个隐藏层,每个隐藏层有 3 个节点,以适应一个非常简单的 x**2 函数。 - 只是为了验证其功能。因此我使用下面的代码。结果我得到了橙色线,蓝色线是真实的线。
如您所见,有些东西不起作用。我试图改变迭代次数和学习率的值,但没有成功。如果我在迭代中绘制损失,我得到 100 次迭代的下图:
我还没有添加偏差,但我认为这个简单的函数应该可以在没有额外偏差节点的情况下进行拟合。此外,我假设代码中的失败最有可能出现在代码的 "Calculate the Gradients with respect to the weights" 部分...
- 我的代码中是否有任何基本故障导致代码无法运行
- 如果不是,为什么我的模型无法拟合简单数据
代码来了 - 可以玩了:
class Neural_Net:
def __init__(self, activation_function, learning_rate, runs):
self.activation_function = activation_function
self.X_train = np.linspace(0,1,1000)
self.y_train = self.X_train**2
plt.plot(self.X_train, self.y_train)
self.y_pred = None
self.W_input = np.random.randn(1, 3)
self.Partials_W_input = np.random.randn(1, 3)
self.W_hidden = np.random.randn(3,3)
self.Partials_W_hidden = np.random.randn(3,3)
self.W_output = np.random.randn(3,1)
self.Partials_W_output = np.random.randn(3,1)
self.Activations = np.ones((3,2))
self.Partials = np.ones((3,2))
self.Output_Gradient = None
self.Loss = 0
self.learning_rate = learning_rate
self.runs = runs
self.Losses = []
self.i = 0
def apply_activation_function(self, activation_vector):
return 1/(1+np.exp(-activation_vector))
def forward_pass(self, training_instance):
for layer in range(len(self.Activations[0])):
# For the first layer between X and the first hidden layer
pre_activation_first = self.W_input.T @ training_instance.reshape(1,1)
# print('pre activation: ', pre_activation)
# Apply the activation function
self.Activations[:,0] = self.apply_activation_function(pre_activation_first).ravel()
pre_activation_hidden = self.W_hidden.T @ self.Activations[:, layer-1]
self.Activations[:, layer] = self.apply_activation_function(pre_activation_hidden)
# print('Activations: ', self.Activations)
output = self.W_output.T @ self.Activations[:, -1]
# print('output: ', output)
return output
def backpropagation(self, y_true, training_instance):
if self.activation_function == 'linear':
# Calculate the ouput gradient
self.Output_Gradient = -(y_true-self.y_pred)
# print('Output Gradient: ', self.Output_Gradient)
# Calculate the partial gradients of the Error with respect to the pre acitvation values in the nodes
self.Partials[:, 1] = self.Activations[:, 1]*(1-self.Activations[:, 1])*(self.W_output @ self.Output_Gradient)
self.Partials[:, 0] = self.Activations[:, 0]*(1-self.Activations[:, 0])*(self.W_hidden @ self.Partials[:, 1])
# print('Partials: ', self.Partials)
# Calculate the Gradients with respect to the weights
self.Partials_W_output = self.Output_Gradient * self.Activations[:, -1]
# print('Partials_W_output: ', self.Partials_W_output)
self.Partials_W_hidden = self.Partials[:, -1].reshape(3,1) * self.Activations[:, 0].reshape(1,3)
# print('Partials_W_hidden: ',self.Partials_W_hidden)
self.Partials_W_input = (self.Partials[:, 0].reshape(3,1) * training_instance.T).T
# print('Partials_W_input: ', self.Partials_W_input)
def weight_update(self, training_instance, learning_rate):
# Output Layer weights
w_output_old = self.W_output.copy()
self.W_output = w_output_old - learning_rate*self.Output_Gradient
# Hidden Layer weights
w_hidden_old = self.W_hidden.copy()
self.W_hidden = w_hidden_old - learning_rate * self.W_hidden
# print('W_hidden new: ', self.W_hidden)
# Input Layer weights
w_input_old = self.W_input.copy()
self.W_input = w_input_old - learning_rate * self.W_input
# print('W_input new: ', self.W_input)
def train_model(self):
for _ in range(self.runs):
for instance in range(len(self.X_train)):
# forward pass
self.y_pred = self.forward_pass(self.X_train[instance])
# Calculate loss
self.Loss = self.calc_loss(self.y_pred, self.y_train[instance])
# print('Loss: ', self.Loss)
# Calculate backpropagation
self.backpropagation(self.y_train[instance], self.X_train[instance])
# Update weights
self.weight_update(self.X_train[instance], self.learning_rate)
# print(self.Losses)
# plt.plot(range(len(self.Losses)), self.Losses)
# plt.show()
# Make predictions on training data to check if the model is basically able to fit the training data
predictions = []
for i in np.linspace(0,1,1000):
plt.plot(np.linspace(0,1,1000), predictions)
def make_prediction(self, X_new):
return self.forward_pass(X_new)
def calc_loss(self, y_pred, y_true):
loss = (1/2)*(y_true-y_pred)**2
return (1/2)*(y_true-y_pred)**2
def accuracy(self):
Neural_Net('linear', 0.0001, 10).train_model()
有关想法,请参阅维基百科上的 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Activation_function#Comparison_of_activation_functions。事实上,函数的比较是从对理想特征的回顾开始的,第一个是非线性的:
Comparison of activation functions
Some desirable properties in an activation function include:
- Nonlinear – When the activation function is non-linear, then a two-layer neural network can be proven to be a universal function approximator.[6] The identity activation function does not satisfy this property. When multiple layers use the identity activation function, the entire network is equivalent to a single-layer model.
我已经解决了这个问题: 首先,我混淆了一些我已经更正的尺寸。不过,真正的问题是权重更新,我曾尝试使用
来更新权重self.W_hidden = w_hidden_old - learning_rate * self.W_hidden
self.W_hidden = w_hidden_old - learning_rate * self.Partials_W_hidden
class Neural_Net:
def __init__(self, activation_function, learning_rate, runs):
self.activation_function = activation_function
self.Data = pd.read_csv(r"U:_035_Machine_Learning_Workshop_Workshopinhalt\Weitere\Neural Networks\AirQualityUCI\AirQualityUCI.csv", sep=';', decimal=b',').iloc[:, :-2].dropna()
self.X_train = np.linspace(0,5,1000)
self.y_train = np.sin(self.X_train)
plt.plot(self.X_train, self.y_train)
self.y_pred = None
self.W_input = np.random.randn(1, 3)
self.Partials_W_input = np.random.randn(1, 3)
self.W_hidden = np.random.randn(3,3)
self.Partials_W_hidden = np.random.randn(3,3)
self.W_output = np.random.randn(3,1)
self.Partials_W_output = np.random.randn(3,1)
self.Activations = np.zeros((3,2))
self.Partials = np.zeros((3,2))
self.Output_Gradient = None
self.Loss = 0
self.learning_rate = learning_rate
self.runs = runs
self.Losses = []
self.i = 0
def apply_activation_function(self, activation_vector):
# print('activation: ', 1/(1+np.exp(-activation_vector)))
return 1/(1+np.exp(-activation_vector))
def forward_pass(self, training_instance):
for layer in range(len(self.Activations[0])):
# For the first layer between X and the first hidden layer
if layer == 0:
pre_activation_first = self.W_input.T @ training_instance.reshape(1,1)
# print('pre activation: ', pre_activation)
# Apply the activation function
self.Activations[:,0] = self.apply_activation_function(pre_activation_first).ravel()
pre_activation_hidden = self.W_hidden.T @ self.Activations[:, layer-1]
self.Activations[:, layer] = self.apply_activation_function(pre_activation_hidden)
# print('Activations: ', self.Activations)
output = self.W_output.T @ self.Activations[:, -1].reshape(-1,1)
# print('output: ', output)
return output
def backpropagation(self, y_true, training_instance):
if self.activation_function == 'sigmoid':
if self.activation_function == 'linear':
# Calculate the ouput gradient
self.Output_Gradient = -(y_true-self.y_pred)
# print('Output Gradient: ', self.Output_Gradient)
# Calculate the partial gradients of the Error with respect to the pre acitvation values in the nodes
self.Partials[:, 1] = ((self.Activations[:, 1]*(1-self.Activations[:, 1])).reshape(-1,1)*(self.W_output @ self.Output_Gradient)).ravel()
self.Partials[:, 0] = self.Activations[:, 0]*(1-self.Activations[:, 0])*(self.W_hidden @ self.Partials[:, 1])
# print('Partials: ', self.Partials)
# Calculate the Gradients with respect to the weights
self.Partials_W_output = self.Output_Gradient * self.Activations[:, -1]
# print('Partials_W_output: ', self.Partials_W_output)
self.Partials_W_hidden = self.Partials[:, -1].reshape(3,1) * self.Activations[:, 0].reshape(1,3)
# print('Partials_W_hidden: ',self.Partials_W_hidden)
self.Partials_W_input = (self.Partials[:, 0].reshape(3,1) * training_instance.T).T
# print('Partials_W_input: ', self.Partials_W_input)
def weight_update(self, training_instance, learning_rate):
# Output Layer weights
w_output_old = self.W_output.copy()
self.W_output = w_output_old - learning_rate*self.Partials_W_output.reshape(-1,1)
# Hidden Layer weights
w_hidden_old = self.W_hidden.copy()
self.W_hidden = w_hidden_old - learning_rate * self.Partials_W_hidden
# print('W_hidden new: ', self.W_hidden)
# Input Layer weights
w_input_old = self.W_input.copy()
self.W_input = w_input_old - learning_rate * self.Partials_W_input
# print('W_input new: ', self.W_input)
def train_model(self):
# print('Initially predicted Value: ', self.make_prediction(self.X_test[0]))
# print('True value: ', self.y_test[0])
for _ in range(self.runs):
for instance in range(len(self.X_train)):
# forward pass
self.y_pred = self.forward_pass(self.X_train[instance])
# Calculate loss
self.Loss = self.calc_loss(self.y_pred, self.y_train[instance])
# print('Loss: ', self.Loss)
# Calculate backpropagation
self.backpropagation(self.y_train[instance], self.X_train[instance])
# Update weights
self.weight_update(self.X_train[instance], self.learning_rate)
# print(self.Losses)
# plt.plot(range(len(self.Losses)), self.Losses)
# plt.show()
# Make predictions
predictions = []
for i in np.linspace(0,5,1000):
plt.plot(np.linspace(0,5,1000), predictions)
def make_prediction(self, X_new):
return self.forward_pass(X_new)
def calc_loss(self, y_pred, y_true):
loss = (1/2)*(y_true-y_pred)**2
return (1/2)*(y_true-y_pred)**2
def accuracy(self):
Neural_Net('linear', 0.1, 1500).train_model()