使用按钮为 C++ 创建计数器

Creating a counter for C++ with a button

我正在尝试将按钮按下计数器与我的氩气设备放在一起。我有几个声音,我想在两者之间交替,但无法让计数器为我改变歌曲 A 和 B。我想将歌曲 A 设置为 counter evens,将歌曲 B 设置为 counter odds。我目前拥有的东西很少,也不知道从我所在的地方去哪里。不确定如何上传我目前拥有的内容。

int button = A0;

int buzzer = A2;

// Defining Sound
int sound1[] = {1700,2500,2800,2000,2500,1500,2000,1800};

int sound2[] = {3800,3600,3400,3200,2400,2600,2800,3000};

//Defining Duration Of Notes

int Duration1[] = {4,2,4,2,4,2,4,2};

int Duration2[] = {2,4,2,4,2,2,4,2};

//Setting Button Count
int bcount = 0;
#define MAX 2

//Creates The Setup Of Code
void setup()
    //Creates The Input Of Button Being Pressed
    pinMode (button, INPUT);
    //Creates The Output Of The Buzzer 
    pinMode (buzzer, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
    //When Button Is Pressed 
    if (digitalRead(button) == 1) {
        bcount = bcount + 1;
        else if 
                (bcount = 0);
        for (int i = 0; i < bcount; i++) {
            digitalWrite(buzzer, 1);

    if (bcount == MAX) {
        bcount = 0;
        //Reads Notes
        for (int Note = 0; Note < 8; Note++){
            //Note Duration
            int Duration = 1000/Duration1[Note];
            //Sends Notes To Speaker
            tone(buzzer, sound1[Note], Duration);
            //Sets Delay Between Notes
            int pauseBetweenNotes = Duration * 1.50;
            //Delay Itself
            //Stop To The Sound
        //When Button Is Pressed 2nd Time
      if(digitalRead(button) == 2) {
        //Reads Notes
        for (int Note = 0; Note < 8; Note++){
            //Note Duration
            int Duration = 1000/Duration2[Note];
            //Sends Notes To Speaker
            tone(buzzer, sound2[Note], Duration);
            //Sets Delay Between Notes
            int pauseBetweenNotes = Duration * 1.50;
            //Delay Itself
            //Stop To The Sound


int counter = 0;
void loop() {
    if (digitalRead(button) == HIGH) {
        counter = counter + 1;
        if (counter % 2 == 1) {
            // ... place your code for sound#1 here.
        } else {
            // ... place your code for sound#2 here.



此外,请注意 digitalRead returns 如果按下按钮则为高电平,否则为低电平。任何超过你必须自己做的印刷机计数。


感谢@DeducibleSteak 的帮助,代码现在可以在两种声音之间切换。

int button = A0;

int buzzer = A2;

// Defining Sound
int sound1[] = {1700,2500,2800,2000,2500,1500,2000,1800};

int sound2[] = {3800,3600,3400,3200,2400,2600,2800,3000};

//Defining Duration Of Notes

int Duration1[] = {4,2,4,2,4,2,4,2};

int Duration2[] = {2,4,2,4,2,2,4,2};

//Setting Button Count
int bcount = 0;
#define MAX 2

//Creates The Setup Of Code
void setup()
    //Creates The Input Of Button Being Pressed
    pinMode (button, INPUT);
    //Creates The Output Of The Buzzer 
   pinMode (buzzer, OUTPUT);
//Counter Setup
int counter = 0;

void loop() {
    if (digitalRead(button) == HIGH) {

        if (counter % 2 == 1) 
            for (int Note = 0; Note < 8; Note++){
            //Note Duration
            int Duration = 1000/Duration1[Note];
            //Sends Notes To Speaker
            tone(buzzer, sound1[Note], Duration);
            //Sets Delay Between Notes
            int pauseBetweenNotes = Duration * 1.50;
            //Delay Itself
            //Stop To The Sound
        else {
                for (int Note = 0; Note < 8; Note++){
                //Note Duration
                int Duration = 1000/Duration2[Note];
                //Sends Notes To Speaker
                tone(buzzer, sound2[Note], Duration);
                //Sets Delay Between Notes
                int pauseBetweenNotes = Duration * 1.50;
                //Delay Itself
                //Stop To The Sound