动态隐藏 Xamarin Forms ListView 项目并将不可见项目的高度设置为 0 在 iOS 上不起作用

Dynamically hiding Xamarin Forms ListView item and setting the height of invisible item to 0 not working on iOS

在 Xamarin Forms ListView 中,StackLayout 放置在 ViewCell 中。以下触发器用于将 StackLayout 的高度和边距设置为 0,以便在 ListView 中没有间隙。

    <Trigger TargetType="StackLayout" Property="IsVisible" Value="False">
        <Setter Property="HeightRequest" Value="0" />
        <Setter Property="Margin" Value="0" />

代码在 Android 上运行完美。但是iOS还有差距。

通常在点击事件上调用 ViewCell.ForceUpdateSize 可以帮助解决此类问题。但是我们需要在语法上做到这一点。所以我尝试创建一个 CustomViewCell 但它没有帮助。

public class CustomViewCell : ViewCell
    protected override void OnBindingContextChanged()

        var viewModel = (tecommobile.ViewModels.Input)BindingContext;
        viewModel.PropertyChanged += (sender, e) =>
            if (Device.RuntimePlatform == Device.iOS)
                if (e.PropertyName == "IsVisible")
                    //ForceUpdateSize(); crashes, the possible cause could be the height of the StackLayout is already set to 0. The test shows that the tapped event doesn't fire if the height is 0.


我们应该使用 TriggerAction 来更改此值,并告诉 ViewCell 更新其大小。

public class ForceUpdateSizeTriggerAction : TriggerAction<VisualElement>
    public double HeighRequest { set; get; }  // you could set it as bindable property if you want to binding its value in runtime

    public Thickness CustomMargin { set; get; }

    public ForceUpdateSizeTriggerAction() : base()

    protected override void Invoke(VisualElement sender)

        var parent = sender.Parent;
        while (parent != null && !(parent is ViewCell))
            parent = parent.Parent;
        if (parent is ViewCell cell)
            Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() =>
                var view = sender as View;
                view.HeightRequest = HeighRequest;
                view.Margin = CustomMargin;


   <Style TargetType="StackLayout">
       <Setter Property="HeightRequest" Value="xxx"/> //default height
            <DataTrigger TargetType="StackLayout" Binding="{Binding xxx}"  Value="False">  /// xxx here is the property which binding to the IsVisible of stacklayout
                        <local:ForceUpdateSizeTriggerAction HeighRequest="0.01" CustomMargin="0"/>

                        <local:ForceUpdateSizeTriggerAction HeighRequest="xxx" CustomMargin="xxx"/> // set the default value of height and margin here

并且不要忘记设置列表视图的 HasUnevenRows="True"