Class 不同依赖的冲突

Class conflict on different dependencies

我在我的项目的 2 个依赖项上有相同的 class。库 unit-api-1.0(它是 org.geotools 的依赖)和 jscience-4.3.1 都有 class javax.measure.quantity.Length.

 [INFO] +- org.geotools:gt-shapefile:jar:22.3:compile
 [INFO] |  +- org.geotools:gt-main:jar:22.3:compile
 [INFO] |  |  +- org.geotools:gt-referencing:jar:22.3:compile
 [INFO] |  |  |  +- org.ejml:ejml-ddense:jar:0.34:compile
 [INFO] |  |  |  |  \- org.ejml:ejml-core:jar:0.34:compile
 [INFO] |  |  |  +- commons-pool:commons-pool:jar:1.5.4:compile
 [INFO] |  |  |  +- org.geotools:gt-metadata:jar:22.3:compile
 [INFO] |  |  |  |  \- org.geotools:gt-opengis:jar:22.3:compile
 [INFO] |  |  |  |     \- systems.uom:systems-common-java8:jar:0.7.2:compile
 [INFO] |  |  |  |        +- tec.uom:uom-se:jar:1.0.8:compile
 [INFO] |  |  |  |        |  +- javax.measure:unit-api:jar:1.0:compile

 [INFO] \- org.jscience:jscience:jar:4.3.1:compile
 [INFO]    \- org.javolution:javolution:jar:5.2.3:compile

当我尝试使用 Length 参数化 Measure 时,出现错误:

[ERROR]   error: type argument Length is not within bounds of type-variable Q
[ERROR]   where Q is a type-variable:
[ERROR]     Q extends Quantity declared in class Measure

基本上两个接口 Length 都扩展了接口 Quantity,如下所示:



GeoTools upgrade FAQ涵盖了在 20.0 版本之后使用单位所需的更改。




Package names have changed, resulting in some common search and replaces when upgrading:

  • Search javax.measure.unit.Unit replace javax.measure.Unit

  • Search ConversionException replace IncommensurableException

This is a checked exception, in areas of the GeoTools library where this was found we now return an IllegalArgument exception.

  • Search converter == UnitConverter.IDENTITY replace converter.isIdentity()

  • Search javax.measure.unit.NonSI replace import si.uom.NonSI

  • Search javax.measure.unit.SI replace import si.uom.SI

  • Search SI.METER replace SI.METRE

  • Search javax.measure.converter.UnitConverter replace javax.measure.UnitConverter

  • Search javax.measure.unit.UnitFormat replace import javax.measure.format.UnitFormat

  • Search Unit.ONE replace AbstractUnit.ONE

  • Search Dimensionless.UNIT replace AbstractUnit.ONE

  • Search Unit.valueOf(unitString) replace Units.parseUnit(unitString)