当用户输入文本时在 ng-select 中隐藏占位符

Hide place holder in ng-select when user enters text

我正在尝试使用 ng-select with material design in my Angular 9 project for the autocomplete. By default, when the user entering the text ng-select shows the place holder at top of the autocomplete input field. However, I would like to hide the placeholder as soon as the user enters the text and show it when he clears the input field. Is there a way to achieve this using CSS? Project uploaded to StackBlitz 作为参考

我会推荐使用元素提供的搜索事件。它会为您提供输入的价值,在您的情况下,您只关心它是否具有价值。存在 css 解决方案,但这感觉更简洁。


<ng-select ...


myPlaceHolder = "Select Person"
onSearch($event) {

 this.myPlaceHolder = $event.term == '': 'Select Person': '';