我有一个在页面上出现两次的联系人列表,我只想在 list/app 第二次出现时向列表中添加一个按钮

I have a list Contacts that appears twice on a page and I only want to add a button to the list in the second occurrence of the list/app

我有一个名为联系人的自定义列表,它在 WIKI 页面上出现两次(彼此相邻)。第一个实例(左侧)将是具有指向 RACI 页面的超链接的联系人列表。在第二个实例(右侧)中,我有一个可能包含两个联系人的列表,它们是将显示支持联系人列表的视图的结果。



var subjectType="";
var bodyText="";
$(document).ready(function() {  

    // Get the subject type
    var this_js_script = $('script[src*=AddContactButtons]');
    subjectType = this_js_script.attr('data-Subject'); 
    if (typeof subjectType == 'undefined' || subjectType == null || subjectType == ''){
      subjectType = "Site";
    buttonLabel = this_js_script.attr('data-Button'); 
    if (typeof buttonLabel == 'undefined' || buttonLabel == null || buttonLabel == ''){
      buttonLabel = "Help";
    bodyText = this_js_script.attr('data-BodyText'); 
    if (typeof bodyText == 'undefined' || bodyText == null || bodyText == ''){
      bodyText = "";
    buttoncolor = this_js_script.attr('data-ButtonColor'); 
    if (typeof buttoncolor == 'undefined' || buttoncolor == null || buttoncolor == ''){
      buttoncolor = "#004d99";
    buttontextcolor = this_js_script.attr('data-ButtonTextColor'); 
    if (typeof buttontextcolor == 'undefined' || buttontextcolor == null || buttontextcolor == ''){
      buttontextcolor = "white";
function addContactButtons(subjectType,bodyText,buttoncolor,buttontextcolor){
    var listTitle="Contacts";
        $(this).append("<input type='button' value='"+buttonLabel+"' style='background-color:"+buttoncolor+"; color:"+buttontextcolor+"' class='btnSub' onclick='javascript:openMail(this);'>");
function openMail(btn){
    var emailString = "mailto:";
    var emailID = $(btn).prev("td").text()
    var URL = _spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl;

    emailString += emailID ;
    if (subjectType == 'Site'){
        emailString += "?Subject=SharePoint Site Support - Site=";
        //emailString += _spPageContextInfo.webServerRelativeUrl;
    } else {
        emailString += "?Subject="+subjectType;
    if (bodyText != ''){
        emailString += "&Body="+bodyText;
    var finalEmailString = emailString.replace(/Site=/,"Site="+URL);



$("tbody>tr","table.ms-listviewtable[summary='MyList']:eq(1)").each(function () {
                $(this).append("<input type='button' value='value' class='btnSub' onclick='javascript:openMail(this);'/>");