spring 侦探行李 - 支持侦探版本 #2
spring sleuth baggage - support in sleuth version #2
spring sleuth baggage 会被弃用吗?如果是,还有什么选择?
从版本 #2 开始,是否必须对传播的字段名称进行配置?
您从哪里获得行李已弃用的信息?在文档中,我们已经声明您需要明确说明行李密钥应该是什么,而不是行李已弃用。同样在 Sleuth 迁移指南 (https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-sleuth/wiki/Spring-Cloud-Sleuth-2.0-Migration-Guide#baggage-needs-to-be-whitelisted) 中,您可以看到
In Sleuth we used to create headers that had the baggage prefix. You
can do it via 2 properties:
spring.sleuth.baggage-keys - those keys will be prefixed with baggage- and baggage_. That way we are backward compatible with
previous versions of Sleuth.
spring.sleuth.propagation-keys - those keys will be whitelisted as they are. No prefix will be set.
spring sleuth baggage 会被弃用吗?如果是,还有什么选择?
从版本 #2 开始,是否必须对传播的字段名称进行配置?
您从哪里获得行李已弃用的信息?在文档中,我们已经声明您需要明确说明行李密钥应该是什么,而不是行李已弃用。同样在 Sleuth 迁移指南 (https://github.com/spring-cloud/spring-cloud-sleuth/wiki/Spring-Cloud-Sleuth-2.0-Migration-Guide#baggage-needs-to-be-whitelisted) 中,您可以看到
In Sleuth we used to create headers that had the baggage prefix. You can do it via 2 properties:
spring.sleuth.baggage-keys - those keys will be prefixed with baggage- and baggage_. That way we are backward compatible with
previous versions of Sleuth. spring.sleuth.propagation-keys - those keys will be whitelisted as they are. No prefix will be set.