关于多重继承、动态 class 创建和实例化的问题

Question about multiple inheritance, dynamic class creating and instantiation


我定义了以下代码来处理链中所有 classes 的创建:

class BusinessDocument():
    def get_class(doc_type):
        switch = {
            'MasterData': MasterData,
            'Transactional': Transactional
        func = switch.get(doc_type, lambda: "Invalid Noun Type")
        return func()

    def __init__(self, doc_id, location, doc_type):
        self.doc_id = doc_id
        self.location = location
        self.doc_type = doc_type

    def get_location(self):
        return self.location

    def get_doc_id(self):
        return self.doc_id

class MasterData(BusinessDocument):
    def __init__(self, doc_id, location):
        BusinessDocument.__init__(self, doc_id, location, 'MasterData')

class Transactional(BusinessDocument):
    def __init__(self, doc_id, location):
        BusinessDocument.__init__(self, doc_id, location, 'Transactional')

class NounClass():
    def get_class(doc_name, doc_type):
        return type(doc_name, (BusinessDocument.get_class(doc_type), 
                           BusinessDocument, ),dict.fromkeys(['doc_id', 'location'])) 

然后在 运行 时,当我得到 doc_name 时,我尝试创建一个新的 class。此时我可能没有所需的参数 doc_idlocation 但我需要 class type.

invoice_cls = NounClass.get_class('Invoice', 'Transactional')


TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-10-cb774746875a> in <module>
----> 1 invoice_cls = NounClass.get_class('Invoice', 'Transactional')

<ipython-input-9-aa5e0b316ed1> in get_class(doc_name, doc_type)
     35     @staticmethod
     36     def get_class(doc_name, doc_type):
---> 37         return type(doc_name, (BusinessDocument.get_class(doc_type), 
     38                            BusinessDocument, ),dict.fromkeys(['doc_id', 'location']))

<ipython-input-9-aa5e0b316ed1> in get_class(doc_type)
      7         }
      8         func = switch.get(doc_type, lambda: "Invalid Noun Type")
----> 9         return func()
     11     def __init__(self, doc_id, location, doc_type):

TypeError: __init__() missing 2 required positional arguments: 'doc_id' and 'location'

我知道这是因为 __init__() 将在 class 实例化期间被调用,但我认为该类型只会创建一个新类型而不是实例化一个马上。所以我的问题是此时是否有办法推迟实例的实例化。



初始化发生在第 9 行:

    return func()

我假设你想要 return 一个 class 对象,所以删除那些括号。

另外 func 是误导,我已经将其更改为 cls:

def get_class(doc_type):
    switch = {
        'MasterData': MasterData,
        'Transactional': Transactional
    cls = switch.get(doc_type, lambda: "Invalid Noun Type")
    return cls