纸浆调度优化问题 - 随时间变化的多个供应输入

Pulp Scheduling Optimization Problem - multiple supply inputs over time

我目前正在用 pulp 构建一个调度计划,但是我很难理解如何表示 pulp 的供应变量以供解析,因为数据包含在多索引数据框中。

问题 我正试图最小化任何增量,以便按工厂、按月的供应与需求相匹配。请注意,并非所有工厂都生产所需的产品


我知道 pulp 接受变量字典作为输入,即:

LpVariable.dicts("Route",(plant, output)

但是我不确定如何将 supply 表示为:



我想你想要做的是有决策变量,即每个 中每种 产品 的供应量,在每 植物 。换句话说,您有指数:(月份、工厂、产品)。

这当然会创建总共len(months)*len(plants)*len(products)个变量,在这个例子中是12*5*4 = 240个变量。


import pulp

months = range(1,12)
plants = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
products = ['AFS', 'GDF', 'POD', 'PPI']

supply = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("supply", (months, plants, products))

这将 return 个可以引用的变量,例如:supply[3]['A']['POD']

您可以使用月份、工厂和产品的元组作为变量字典的键,还可以使用它从数据帧中获取生产输出 Mt。

import pulp

months = range(1,12)
plants = ['A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E']
products = ['AFS', 'GDF', 'POD', 'PPI']

# set up binary variables for plant-month-product
var_dict = {}
for month in months:
    for plant in plants:
        for product in product:
            combo = (month, plant, product)
            var_name = '_'.join([str(c) for c in combo])
            var_dict[combo] = LpVariable(var_name, cat=LpBinary)

prob = LpProblem('Schedule', LpMinimize)

# objective function
# assume data in df and has index of month, plant, and product
prob += lpSum([var * df.loc[('at', k), 'Production Output (Mt)']
               for k, v in var_dict.items()]

# then add the relevant constraints
# for example, one and only one product per plant per month
# remember that in var_dict the key is a tuple of month, plant, product
# and the value is the binary variable
for month in months:
    for plant in plants:
        prob += lpSum([v for k, v in var_dict.items()
                       if k[0] == month and k[1] == plant]) == 1