函数重复十次而不是一次 - Pygame 零

Function is Repeating Ten Times Instead of Once - Pygame Zero

我在Pygame零中写了一个简单的赛车游戏。这来自 MagPi "Retro Gaming with Raspberry Pi" Book。我是一名初级程序员,所以我可能会问一个显而易见的问题。我想制作关卡。每 100 score, level + 1. 在 10 级获胜。

感兴趣的领域可能是我的 draw() 功能:

    global gameStatus, level
    screen.fill((128, 128, 128))
    if gameStatus == 0:
        b = 0
        while b < len(trackLeft):
            b += 1
        screen.draw.text("Score: " + str(score), (50, 30), color="black")
        if score % 100 == 0:
        screen.draw.text("Level: " + str(level), (50, 50), color="black")
    if gameStatus == 1:
        screen.blit('rflag', (318, 268))
    if gameStatus == 2:
        screen.blit('cflag', (318, 268))

和我的 level_up() 函数:

    global level
    if level <= 10:
        level += 1
    if level == 10:
        gameStatus == 2


我的问题:当我达到100级时score,等级加10,而不是加1。我不知道发生了什么。可能是每个分数都有一些 FPS/ticks,并且随着每个刻度更新级别,似乎当分数保持在 100 上大约 10 个刻度时,每个刻度都会更新级别?

由于我的程序很短,我将继续 post 所有代码:

import time
from random import randint
import pygame
import pgzrun

WIDTH = 700
HEIGHT = 800

car = Actor("racecar")
car.pos = 250, 700
trackLeft = []
trackRight = []
trackCount = 0
trackPosition = 250
trackWidth = 120
trackDirection = False
gameStatus = 0
score = 0
level = 1

def draw():
    global gameStatus, level
    screen.fill((128, 128, 128))
    if gameStatus == 0:
        b = 0
        while b < len(trackLeft):
            b += 1
        screen.draw.text("Score: " + str(score), (50, 30), color="black")
        if score % 100 == 0:
        screen.draw.text("Level: " + str(level), (50, 50), color="black")
    if gameStatus == 1:
        screen.blit('rflag', (318, 268))
    if gameStatus == 2:
        screen.blit('cflag', (318, 268))

def update():
    global gameStatus, trackCount
    if gameStatus == 0:
        if keyboard.left: car.x -= 2
        if keyboard.right: car.x += 2

def make_track():
    global trackCount, trackLeft, trackRight, trackPosition, trackWidth, score
    trackLeft.append(Actor("barrier", pos=(trackPosition - trackWidth, 0)))
    trackRight.append(Actor("barrier", pos=(trackPosition + trackWidth, 0)))
    trackCount += 1
    score += 1

def update_track():
    global trackCount, trackPosition, trackDirection, trackWidth, gameStatus
    b = 0
    while b < len(trackLeft):
        if car.colliderect(trackLeft[b]) or car.colliderect(trackRight[b]):
            gameStatus = 1
        trackLeft[b].y += SPEED
        trackRight[b].y += SPEED
        b += 1
    if trackLeft[len(trackLeft) - 1].y > 32:
        if trackDirection == False: trackPosition += 16
        if trackDirection == True: trackPosition -= 16
        if randint(0, 4) == 1: trackDirection = not trackDirection
        if trackPosition > 700 - trackWidth: trackDirection = True
        if trackPosition < trackWidth: trackDirection = False

def check_levels():
    global level
    if level <= 10:
        level += 1
    if level == 10:
        gameStatus = 2



你必须在分数更新时进行水平检查。请注意,draw 执行得更频繁,然后分数才会更新,因此 if score % 100 == 0: 会执行多次,级别也会增加不止一次:

def draw():
    global gameStatus, level
    screen.fill((128, 128, 128))
    if gameStatus == 0:
        # [...]

        screen.draw.text("Score: " + str(score), (50, 30), color="black")

        # DELETE <--------------------------
        #if score % 100 == 0:
        #    check_levels()

        screen.draw.text("Level: " + str(level), (50, 50), color="black")
def make_track():
    trackCount += 1
    score += 1

    # ADD <-----------------------------
    if score % 100 == 0:

此外,您的游戏会在一段时间后滞后,因为列表 trackLefttrackRight 在不断增长。从列表中删除底部 window 之外的障碍:

def make_track():
    global trackCount, trackLeft, trackRight, trackPosition, trackWidth, score
    trackLeft.append(Actor("barrier", pos=(trackPosition - trackWidth, 0)))
    trackRight.append(Actor("barrier", pos=(trackPosition + trackWidth, 0)))

    # remove barriers which are out of screen
    if trackLeft[0].y >= HEIGHT:
        del trackLeft[0]
    if trackRight[0].y >= HEIGHT:
        del trackRight[0]

    trackCount += 1
    score += 1
    if score % 100 == 0: