如何将对象模型(其中包含对象模型数组)传递给 API 以作为参数插入

How to pass an Object Model (that has an Array of Objects Models in it) to API for insert as Params

我是 angular 的新手,试图为我的对象模型创建参数,每当我对对象进行字符串化时,它都会生成一个 API 不接受的大字符串。我应该怎么办..?


    "qaevaluationid": 1,
    "agentid": 1,
    "callerid": "1234",
    "calledon": "02/13/2020 10:38:14 AM",
    "duration": "304",
    "overallfeedback": "adasdasd",
    "isfatal": false,
    "fatalcallreasonid": "3",
    "evaluationtypeid": "1",
    "callratings": [{
        "callratingid": 1,
        "createdby": 1,
        "createdbyname": "john",
        "createdon": null,
        "evaluationfactorid": 8,
        "is_deleted": "F",
        "modifiedby": -1,
        "modifiedbyname": "",
        "modifiedon": null,
        "qaevaluationid": 1,
        "rating": "7"
    }, {
        "callratingid": 2,
        "createdby": 1,
        "createdbyname": "john",
        "createdon": null,
        "evaluationfactorid": 9,
        "is_deleted": "F",
        "modifiedby": -1,
        "modifiedbyname": "",
        "modifiedon": null,
        "qaevaluationid": 1,
        "rating": "6"
    }, {
        "callratingid": 3,
        "createdby": 1,
        "createdbyname": "john",
        "createdon": null,
        "evaluationfactorid": 10,
        "is_deleted": "F",
        "modifiedby": -1,
        "modifiedbyname": "",
        "modifiedon": null,
        "qaevaluationid": 1,
        "rating": "8"
    "createdby": 1,
    "createdbyname": "John",
    "createdon": null,
    "modifiedby": -1,
    "modifiedbyname": null,
    "modifiedon": null,
    "is_deleted": "F"

在 TypeScript 中我是这样做的

this.httpOptions.params = new HttpParams();

this.httpOptions.params = this.httpOptions.params.set('qaEval', JSON.stringify(qaevaluation)); 

return this._httpClient.post<APIResponse<QAEvaluation>>(this.myAppUrl + 'QAEvaluation/insert', { qaEval: qaevaluation }, this.httpOptions)
      .pipe(retry(1), catchError(this.errorHandler));


"Http failure response for https://localhost:44304/QAEvaluation/insert?qaEval=%7B%22qaevaluationid%22:-1,%22agentid%22:1,%22callerid%22:%221234%22,%22calledon%22:%2202/13/2020%2010:38:14%20AM%22,%22duration%22:%22304%22,%22overallfeedback%22:%22adasdasd%22,%22isfatal%22:false ……. This goes on and on : 404 OK"

您的路径是正确的,但是您在请求的 URL 上添加了所有 json 对象作为查询参数。在 POST 请求中,您想将数据放在 HTTP 正文中。

我认为如果您省略第二行就可以了。另请查看 HttpClient 文档以获取示例和正确的语法。

您很可能需要将您的 URL 代理到您的 api。 Angular 使用特定端口托管在您的开发环境中,在您的情况下 44304.


You can use the proxying support in the webpack dev server to divert certain URLs to a backend server, by passing a file to the --proxy-config build option. For example, to divert all calls for http://localhost:4200/api to a server running on http://localhost:3000/api, take the following steps.

Create a file proxy.conf.json in your project's src/ folder.

Add the following content to the new proxy file:

  "/api": {
    "target": "http://localhost:3000",
    "secure": false

In the CLI configuration file, angular.json, add the proxyConfig option to the serve target:

"architect": {
  "serve": {
    "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:dev-server",
    "options": {
      "browserTarget": "your-application-name:build",
      "proxyConfig": "src/proxy.conf.json"

运行 发球

更新了我的控制器以接受带有动态对象的 FormBody 并从 typescript 中删除了 http 参数,例如..它成功了。

return this._http.post<APIResponse<QAEvaluation>>(this.myAppUrl + 'QAEvaluation/insert', { qaEval: qaevaluation }, { headers: new HttpHeaders({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8' }) })
          .pipe(retry(1), catchError(this.errorHandler));


    public ActionResult Insert([FromBody]dynamic qaEval)

                    var objModel1 = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject(qaEval.ToString());

                    var objModel = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(objModel1.qaEval);

    QAEvaluationModel model = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<Models.QAEvaluationModel>(objModel);


return Ok(new Models.APIResponse
                        HasError = false,
                        Message = "Success",
                        Content = null