Microsoft office-ui-fabric-react vs fluent-ui-react - 选择哪个?

Microsoft office-ui-fabric-react vs fluent-ui-react - which to choose?

这些项目似乎密切相关。 office-ui-fabric 团队的某人在 2019 年 8 月发表了以下评论:

We're actually in the middle of working with MSFT marketing team to somehow change this to not be branded as Office only. We are trying to become the primary way to create React (web) applications with the Fluent design language.

但是 flient-ui-react 网站声明:

Fluent UI React is being built as an exemplar of the Fluent UI design language, component specifications, and utilities.

fluent-ui-react 只是一种更轻量级的替代品,最终的替代品还是其他东西?这几天存档了,估计微软回答了这个问题:)

UI Fabric 变得流畅 UI,全文在这里:

从版本 8 开始,office-ui-fabric-react 软件包已停用,取而代之的是 @fluentui/react:office-ui-fabric-react to @fluentui/react