如何转换二分网络并使用一级的节点属性作为 igraph (R) 中第二级的边权重

How to transform a bipartite Network and use node attributes from one level as edge weights in the second level in igraph (R)


Person EventLocation DurationEvent Peter Bar 90 Jack Bar 90 Franz Train 20 Franz Bar 90 Laurie Train 20 Jack Train 20 ...

现在我想在 Person 和 EventLocation 列上使用 igraph 函数 bipartite_projection() 来获取 persons 网络,但我看不到如何预先保护可能转移到边缘权重的附加节点属性(持续时间)人与人之间,例如体重 90 的彼得-杰克或体重 20 的弗朗兹-劳瑞。

编辑:为了更准确,我添加了最后一行。边 "Jack-Franz" 现在对应于 90+20 = 110。但基本上我的问题只与如何实现 bipartite_projection 有关,它将二分 igraph 网络的节点属性传输到相应的边属性单模 igraph 网络。

编辑 2:我刚刚添加了另一个示例。首先,我在人与人之间创建了一个网络,然后我想将预算信息添加到人的边缘,这意味着两者吸引了多少项目预算(仅来自不同独特项目的预算总和作为权重)。然后我想做一些进一步的加权中心性计算:

person_id <- c("X","Y","Z","Q","W","E","R","X","Y")
project <- c("a","b","c","a","a","b","c","b","a")
budget <- c(100,200,300,100,100,200,300,200,100)
employ.data <- data.frame(person_id, project, budget)
sna.complete.list <- employ.data
sna.list.complete.igraph.calc <- graph.data.frame(sna.complete.list)
V(sna.list.complete.igraph.calc)$type <- V(sna.list.complete.igraph.calc)$name%in%sna.complete.list$person_id
sna.list.complete.igraph.calc.one <- try(bipartite.projection(sna.list.complete.igraph.calc, type=V(sna.list.complete.igraph.calc)$type))
sna.statistics.persons <- sna.list.complete.igraph.calc.one[[2]]


总体目标: 得到一个加权图(节点之间的边值用一些值加权)


  1. 参与预算规模不同的不同项目的人员的数据

  2. 将二分连接图(People-Project)转换为单模-People-People-graph

  3. 使用预算大小作为人与人之间边缘的权重。

但是对于两个人来说,这个值应该只占参与独特项目的总和。因此,如果 A 和 B 仅由预算大小为 100 的项目 x 连接,则边权重应为 100。如果他们还参与另一个值为 20 的项目,则结果应为 120 等

我在使用 bipartite.projection 期间尝试传输此信息,但后来失败或无法实现此信息。

bipartite_projection()只能收集的结构权重,也就是说Peter和Jack都隶属于Train和Bar。处理 edge 属性比较棘手。

如果您只想保留 节点 属性,正如您在上面所写的那样 bipartite_projection() 绝对已经为您做到了。只需重新投影并找到像这样保留的属性:



  • 当Franz-Train-Jack也有Franz-Bar_Jack时,应该如何处理多条路径?
  • 方向性在计算中有什么作用

几年前我需要完全相同的东西,并通过编写我自己的扩展重投影函数解决了它。这可能不是解决这个问题的最短方法,而是通过每个单顶点对 in 二分图和 returns 之间的最短路径计算给定边属性的总和保留(并汇总)一个边属性的图。

请注意,该函数不计算单分 Laurie-Peter。您可以根据自己的喜好操作该功能。


# Reproduce your data
df <- data.frame(Person = c("Peter","Jack","Franz","Franz","Laurie","Jack"),
                 EventLocation = c("Bar","Bar","Train","Bar","Train","Train"),
                 DurationEvent = c(90,90,20,90,20,20), stringsAsFactors = F)

## Make bipartite graph from example data
g <- graph_from_data_frame(df, directed=FALSE)
# Set vertex type using bipartite.mapping() (OBS type should be boolean for bipartite_projection())
V(g)$type <- bipartite.mapping(g)$type

## Plot Bipartite graph
E(g)$label <- E(g)$DurationEvent
V(g)$color <- ifelse(V(g)$type, "red", "yellow")
V(g)$size <- ifelse(V(g)$type, 40, 20)
plot(g, edge.label.color="gray", vertex.label.color="black")

# Function to reproject a bipartite graph to unipartite projection while
# calculating an attribute-value sum between reprojected vertecies.
unipartite_projection_attr <- function(graph_bi, attribute, projection=FALSE){

  ## Make initial unipartite projection
  graph_uni <- bipartite_projection(graph_bi, which=FALSE)

  ## List paths in bipartite-graph along which to summarise selected attribute
  el <- as_edgelist(graph_uni)
  el <- matrix(sapply(el, function(x) as.numeric(which(x == V(graph_bi)$name))), ncol=2)

  ## Function to summarise given atribute-value
  summarise_graph_attribute_along_path <- function(source, target, attribute){
    attr_value <- edge_attr(g, attribute)
    path <- get.shortest.paths(g, source, target, output="epath")$epath[[1]]

  attr_uni <- mapply(summarise_graph_attribute_along_path, el[,1], el[,2], attribute)
  graph_uni <- set_edge_attr(graph_uni, attribute, value=attr_uni)


# Use function to make unipartite projection
gg <- unipartite_projection_attr(g, "DurationEvent", FALSE)

# Visualise
V(gg)$color <- "yellow"
E(gg)$label <- E(gg)$DurationEvent
plot(gg, edge.label.color="gray", vertex.label.color="black")


大量借鉴@nGL 的回答,我稍微更改了代码以考虑 2 个人之间的所有最短路径,并将他们的累积事件持续时间作为他们在投影图中的边权重。

结果图如下所示(例如 Jack 和 Franz 之间的边权重 = 110):

请注意:这假设原始权重在人之间平均分配(即杰克和弗兰兹在酒吧会面 90 分钟)。在其他情况下,Jack 和 Franz 可能会访问同一个酒吧,但 Jack 的 Duation 是 70,而 Franz 是 110。 然后需要考虑取平均值是否合适或其他衡量标准(例如,最小值或最大值)。

# Reproduce your data
df <- data.frame(Person = c("Peter","Jack","Franz","Franz","Laurie","Jack"),
                 EventLocation = c("Bar","Bar","Train","Bar","Train","Train"),
                 DurationEvent = c(90,90,20,90,20,20), stringsAsFactors = F)

## Make bipartite graph from example data
g <- graph_from_data_frame(df, directed=FALSE)
# Set vertex type using bipartite.mapping() (OBS type should be boolean for bipartite_projection())
V(g)$type <- bipartite.mapping(g)$type

## Plot Bipartite graph
E(g)$label <- E(g)$DurationEvent
V(g)$color <- ifelse(V(g)$type, "red", "yellow")
V(g)$size <- ifelse(V(g)$type, 40, 20)
plot(g, edge.label.color="gray", vertex.label.color="black")

# Function to reproject a bipartite graph to unipartite projection while
# calculating an attribute-value sum between reprojected vertecies.
unipartite_projection_attr <- function(graph_bi, attribute, projection=FALSE){
  ## Make initial unipartite projection
  graph_uni <- bipartite_projection(graph_bi, which=projection)
  ## List paths in bipartite-graph along which to summarise selected attribute
  el <- as_edgelist(graph_uni)
  el <- matrix(sapply(el, function(x) as.numeric(which(x == V(graph_bi)$name))), ncol=2)
  ## Function to summarise given atribute-value
  summarise_graph_attribute_along_path <- function(source, target, attribute){
    attr_value <- edge_attr(graph_bi, attribute)
    path <- lapply(get.all.shortest.paths(graph_bi, source, target)$res, function(x) E(g, path=x))
    sum(unlist(lapply(path, function (x) mean(attr_value[x]))))
  attr_uni <- mapply(summarise_graph_attribute_along_path, el[,1], el[,2], attribute)
  graph_uni <- set_edge_attr(graph_uni, attribute, value=attr_uni)

# Use function to make unipartite projection
gg <- unipartite_projection_attr(graph_bi = g, attribute = "DurationEvent", projection = FALSE)

# Visualise
V(gg)$color <- "yellow"
E(gg)$label <- E(gg)$DurationEvent
plot(gg, edge.label.color="gray", vertex.label.color="black")

仅供参考:我还更改了几行代码以确保它在使用其他属性时完全可重现(例如,将 E(g)$DurationEvent 替换为 attr_value)

额外的警告:如果你的图表已经有一个权重参数,你需要在 get.all.shortest.paths(graph_bi, from = source, to = target, weights = NA)

中设置 weights = NA