在字段 x++ PurchCreateOrder 中设置默认数据

Set default data in field x++ PurchCreateOrder

我想在 PurchCreateOrder 中根据 curUserid() 设置默认值。如何将数据放入表单扩展的字段中? 这样做有更好的选择吗?字段绑定到数据源,我有不同数据源的不同字段。

我的代码出现空引用异常终止错误。 XPP编译器


final class PurchCreateOrderGetDefAdress_Extension
void initvalue(PurchaseType  _purchaseType)
    next initvalue(_purchaseType);

    PurchTable purchtable;
    LogisticsPostalAddress logpostadress;
    UserInfoSz usrsz;
    str user = curUserId(); 

    select firstonly logpostadress where logpostadress.city == 'lub';
   // select firstonly InventSiteId, InventLocationId from purchtable join usrsz where purchtable.InventSiteId == usrsz.InventSiteId && usrsz.IsDefault == true;
    select firstonly InventSiteId from usrsz where usrsz.UserId == user && usrsz.IsDefault == true;

    purchtable.deliveryname = 'asasasasas' ;//logpostadress.Address;
    purchtable.inventsiteid = usrsz.InventSiteId;
    purchtable.inventlocationid = usrsz.InventSiteId;

    info(strFmt("%1, %2, %3", logpostadress.Address, usrsz.InventSiteId));




Error The augmented class 'PurchTable' provides a method by this name, but this method cannot be used as a chain of command method since the parameter profile does not match the original method.


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