如果会话被删除,remember-me cookie 也会被删除

if session deleted, remember-me cookie is also deleted

我正在学习 Spring 安全。 我有一个关于记住我功能的问题。


如果我关闭浏览器并打开新浏览器,会话cookie 的值是相同的。 如果我使用 logout(.deleteCookies("JSESSIONID")) 删除会话 cookie,记住我的 cookie 也会被删除。


如果关闭一个浏览器并打开一个新浏览器,会话cookie的值是不同的。 如果使用注销删除会话 cookie,则保留记住我的 cookie。

public class WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {

    private DataSource dataSource;

    private ApplicationContext applicationContext;

    AuthenticationService authenticationService;

    protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
                .antMatchers("/resource/**", "/login", "/login-error").permitAll()


                .defaultSuccessUrl("/main", true)


    public PersistentTokenRepository persistentTokenRepository() {
        JdbcTokenRepositoryImpl db = new JdbcTokenRepositoryImpl();
        return db;

    ... (other source)

如果您使用流利 API,默认情况下您的记住我 cookie 会被删除,请参阅 Spring Security Reference

10.24.1 Logout Java Configuration

When using the WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter, logout capabilities are automatically applied. The default is that accessing the URL /logout will log the user out by:

  • Invalidating the HTTP Session
  • Cleaning up any RememberMe authentication that was configured
  • Clearing the SecurityContextHolder
  • Redirect to /login?logout

但看起来您可以使用自己的 RememberMeServices, see Spring Security Reference:


services-ref Allows complete control of the RememberMeServices implementation that will be used by the filter. The value should be the id of a bean in the application context which implements this interface. Should also implement LogoutHandler if a logout filter is in use.