net core 3 AddXmlSerializerFormatters() 配置选项

net core 3 AddXmlSerializerFormatters() configure options

应用程序需要能够在 Json 和 Xml 中 return 工作的数据。但是,与此 api 交互的应用程序在其结果中不支持命名空间。 <Item xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">

在此版本之前,我不得不编写自定义 xml serilaiser 来为我执行此操作:

public static string Serialise<T>(T model) where T : class, new()
            // Initalise the Xml writer with required settings.
            XmlWriterSettings settings = new XmlWriterSettings
                OmitXmlDeclaration = true
            // Set the namespaces accordingly.
            XmlSerializerNamespaces xmlNamespaceOverride = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
            xmlNamespaceOverride.Add("", "");
            string xml = "";
            // Create a new string writer.
            using (StringWriter stringWriter = new StringWriter())
                // And a new Xmlwriter.
                using (XmlWriter writer = XmlWriter.Create(stringWriter, settings))
                    // Serialise the data.
                    new XmlSerializer(typeof(T)).Serialize(writer, model, xmlNamespaceOverride);
                    xml = stringWriter.ToString();
            return xml;

我正在使用 .AddXmlSerializerFormatters();但是在启动时它会生成命名空间。 有没有办法让 net core 3 覆盖 webapi 中的命名空间,而无需编写自定义序列化程序包装器?


[Produces("application/json", "application/xml")]
public class DeleteMeController : BaseController
    public DeleteMeController(SpApiDbContext spApiDbContext) : base(spApiDbContext) { }

    public async Task<ActionResult<List<Item>>> DeleteMe(string format, string responseType = null)
            return responseType switch
                "badrequest" => BadRequest(),
                "error" => throw new Exception(),
                "notfound" => NotFound(),
                "nocontent" => null,
                _ => new List<Item>()
        catch(Exception exception)
            return await ExceptionResponse(exception, "TEST, please ignore.");

Is there a way of getting net core 3 to override the namespace in a webapi without me having to write a custom serialiser wrapper?


您需要为 xml 创建自定义序列化程序格式化程序,如下所示:

public class XmlSerializerOutputFormatterNamespace : XmlSerializerOutputFormatter
    protected override void Serialize(XmlSerializer xmlSerializer, XmlWriter xmlWriter, object value)
        //applying "empty" namespace will produce no namespaces
        var emptyNamespaces = new XmlSerializerNamespaces();
        emptyNamespaces.Add("", "");
        xmlSerializer.Serialize(xmlWriter, value, emptyNamespaces);


services.AddControllers(options =>
     options.OutputFormatters.Add(new XmlSerializerOutputFormatterNamespace());