使用 Hibernate/Spring 数据批量插入 Postgres 数据库:60K 行需要 2 分钟,这是不可接受的

Batch-Insert into Postgres DB using Hibernate/Spring Data: 60K Rows Takes 2 Minutes which is unacceptable

我需要使用 Hibernate/Spring 数据将 60K 行插入到我的 Java/Spring 应用程序的 Postgres 数据库中。

进入的INSERT数据是(1)USERS_T,(2)关联的新用户也必须在STUDY_PARTICIPANTS_T。这两个都是 60K 条记录。

下面的工作正常,但性能很差:60K 需要 2 分钟。请注意,我正在填写 Hibernate 实体,然后做基于 saveAll在大小为 1000 的列表上。

        UsersT user = new UsersT();
        user.setRoleTypeId(new LookupT(150));
        user.setCreatedDate(new Date());
        List<StudyParticipantsT> participants = new ArrayList<StudyParticipantsT>();
        StudyParticipantsT sp = new StudyParticipantsT();

        // Add to Batch-Insert List; if list size ready for batch-insert, or if at the end of all subjectIds, do Batch-Insert saveAll() and clear the list
        if (batchInsertUsers.size() == 1000 || i == subjectIds.size() - 1) {
            // Log this Batch-Insert
                log.debug("createParticipantsAccounts() Batch-Insert: Saving " + batchInsertUsers.size() + " records");
            // Reset list

我找到了一个线程,其中有人遇到了同样的问题,他们找到的唯一解决方案是为每个 1000 块组成一个自定义 Native-SQL INSERT (..), (..), (..) 字符串,并且 运行 手动删除 ORM/Hibernate 层:

但是我的 INSERT 涉及一些连接表。我可以自己花时间将所有这些实体语句重写成自定义 SQL,但这并不简单。

还有其他解决办法吗?我在用着 - Spring 5.0.2 - Hibernate5.2.12

我们通过使用 SpringJDBCjdbcTemplate.batchUpdate (无 Hibernate) 并提前为任何外键。

我们没有达到实际 N 次重复 INSERT 语句的水平,而上面提到的其他发帖者做到了;我们仍在使用框架方法 (JDBCTemplate),但至少我们不再使用 Hibernate/ORM。这种方法很快,但不像 N 次重复 INSERT 那样 super-fast -- 但现在可以接受了。

实际的 SpringJDBC Batch-Insert 是通过 jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sqlInsert, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() {..} 发生的,我们实际上自己拆分了批次 -- BatchPreparedStatementSetter 不会自动为我们拆分任何东西,它只会提交具有预定大小的特定批次。

 * The following method performs a Native-SQL Batch-Insert of Participant accounts (using JdbcTemplate) to improve performance.
 * Each Participant account requires 2 INSERTs: (1) USERS_T, (2) STUDY_PARTICIPANTS_T (with an FK reference to USERS_T.ID).
 * Since there is no easy way to track the Sequence IDs between the two Batch-Inserts, we reserve the ID range for both tables, and 
 * then manually calculate our own IDs for USERS_T and STUDY_PARTICIPANTS_T ourselves.
 * Initially, domain objects are filled out; then they are added to the Batch List that we submit and clear ourselves.
 * (Originally the Batch-Insert was implemented with Hibernate/HQL, but due to slow performance it was nativized with jdbcTemplate.)
 * NOTE: The entire method is @Transactional and all data will be rolled back in case of any exceptions in this method (rollbackFor=Exception.class).
 * The updated Sequence values (set during reservation) will not be rolled back in this case, but Sequence gaps are normal. 
@Transactional(readOnly = false, rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public void createParticipantsAccounts(long studyId, List<String> subjectIds) throws Exception {

    int maxInsertParticipantsBatchSize = 1000; // Batch size is 1000
      We need to insert into 2 tables, USERS_T and STUDY_PARTICIPANTS_T. 
      The table STUDY_PARTICIPANTS_T has an FK dependency on USERS_T.ID.
      Since there is no easy way to track the Sequence IDs between the two Batch-Inserts, we reserve the ID range for both tables, 
      and then manually calculate our own IDs for USERS_T and STUDY_PARTICIPANTS_T ourselves.
      The Sequences are immediately updated to the calculated final values to reserve the range. 
    // 1. Obtain current Sequence values
    Integer currUsersTSeqVal = userDAO.getCurrentUsersTSeqVal();
    Integer currStudyParticipantsTSeqVal = studyParticipantsDAO.getCurrentStudyParticipantsTSeqVal();
    // 2. Immediately update the Sequences to the calculated final value (this reserves the ID range immediately)
    // In Postgres, updating the Sequences is: SELECT setval('users_t_id_seq', :val)
    userDAO.setCurrentUsersTSeqVal(currUsersTSeqVal + subjectIds.size());
    studyParticipantsDAO.setCurrentStudyParticipantsTSeqVal(currStudyParticipantsTSeqVal + subjectIds.size());                          
    // List for Batch-Inserts, maintained and submitted by ourselves in accordance with our batch size
    List<UsersT> batchInsertUsers = new ArrayList<UsersT>();        
    for(int i = 0; i < subjectIds.size(); i++) {
        String subjectId = subjectIds.get(i);           
        // Prepare domain object (UsersT with associated StudyParticipantsT) to be used in the Native-SQL jdbcTemplate batchUpdate
        UsersT user = new UsersT();
        user.setId(currUsersTSeqVal + 1 + i); // Set ID to calculated value
        // etc., fill out object, then subobject:
        List<StudyParticipantsT> participants = new ArrayList<StudyParticipantsT>();
        StudyParticipantsT sp = new StudyParticipantsT();
        sp.setId(currStudyParticipantsTSeqVal + 1 + i); // Set ID to caculated value
        // ...etc.
        // Add to Batch-Insert List of Users
        // If list size ready for Batch-Insert, or if at the end of all subjectIds, perform Batch Insert (both tables) and clear list
        if (batchInsertUsers.size() == maxInsertParticipantsBatchSize || i == subjectIds.size() - 1) {
            // Part 1: Insert batch into USERS_T
            nativeBatchInsertUsers(jdbcTemplate, batchInsertUsers);             
            // Part 2: Insert batch into STUDY_PARTICIPANTS_T
            nativeBatchInsertStudyParticipants(jdbcTemplate, batchInsertUsers);             
            // Reset list


 * Native-SQL Batch-Insert into USERS_T for Participant Upload.
 * NOTE: This method is part of its Parent's @Transactional. (Note also that we need "final" on the List param for Inner-Class access to this variable.)
 * @param jdbcTemplate
 * @param batchInsertUsers
private void nativeBatchInsertUsers(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate, final List<UsersT> batchInsertUsers) {

    String sqlInsert =  "INSERT INTO PUBLIC.USERS_T (id, password, user_name, created_by, created_date, last_changed_by, last_changed_date, " + 
                                                    "first_name, last_name, organization, phone, lockout_date, lockout_counter, last_login_date, " + 
                                                    "password_last_changed_date, temporary_password, active_flag, uuid, " + 
                                                    "role_type_id, ws_account_researcher_id) " +
                        "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, " +
                                "?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, " + 
                                "?, ?, ?, ?, " + 
                                "?, ?" +
                                ") ";

    jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sqlInsert, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() {

        public int getBatchSize() {
            return batchInsertUsers.size();

        public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int i) throws SQLException {
            ps.setInt(1, batchInsertUsers.get(i).getId()); // ID (provided by ourselves)
            // etc., set PS for each i-th object


 * Native-SQL Batch-Insert into STUDY_PARTICIPANTS_T for Participant Upload.
 * NOTE: This method is part of its Parent's @Transactional. (Note also that we need "final" on the List param for Inner-Class access to this variable.)
 * @param jdbcTemplate
 * @param batchInsertUsers
private void nativeBatchInsertStudyParticipants(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate, final List<UsersT> batchInsertUsers) {
    String sqlInsert =  "INSERT INTO PUBLIC.STUDY_PARTICIPANTS_T (id, study_id, subject_id, user_id, locked, " +                                                                     "created_by, created_date, last_changed_by, last_changed_date) " + 
                        "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, " +
                                "?, ?, ?, ? " +
                                ") ";
    jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sqlInsert, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() {

        public int getBatchSize() {
            return batchInsertUsers.size();
        public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int i) throws SQLException {            
            ps.setInt(1, batchInsertUsers.get(i).getStudyParticipantsTs().get(0).getId()); // ID (provided by ourselves)
            // etc. 