如何验证 Invoke-RestMethod 以列出人工存储库
how to authenticate Invoke-RestMethod to list artifactory repositories
尝试从 Artifactory Enterprise v6 实例获取存储库列表,使用 PowerShell 5.1 Invoke-RestMethod 从 Win10 桌面,但看不到让它进行身份验证。
$myCred = Get-Credential notStanley
$lstART = Invoke-RestMethod -URI https://<myserver>/artifactory/api/repositories -Credential $myCred
只有 returns 允许匿名访问的项目。
如果我打开浏览器并登录到该 Artifactory 实例,然后我可以粘贴上面的 URI 并获取我的帐户有权访问的所有存储库的完整列表。
有什么提示 $myCred
我过去曾尝试使用 artifactory,但 -Credential
我尝试了 API 方法,它更简单易用。
使用 API 密钥连接到 Artifactory
Read here 了解如何获取您在 artifactory 上的帐户的 API 密钥。
$header = @{"X-JFrog-Art-Api" = "yourAPIKey"}
Invoke-RestMethod -URI https://<myserver>/artifactory/api/repositories -Headers $header
如果您确实想要使用 Get-Credential 提示,请确保您使用的用户名适用于 Artifactory。它与 domain\user 不同。
$login = Get-Credential -Message "Enter Credentials for Artifactory"
#invalid creds.. but its ok. Need to tell invoke-restmethod to use Basic Auth.
$headers = @{ Authorization = "Basic Zm9vOmJhcg==" }
# use -Credential to override the credentials.
$new = Invoke-RestMethod -URI https://<server>/artifactory/api/repositories -Headers $headers -Credential $login
谢谢贾瓦德。这让我开始使用 API (我的第一次尝试没有完全正确地形成)。按照您的链接找到了其他几个问题(27951561 和 60325084),这些问题也帮助我获得了 Credential。我已经使用 Credential 来避免混淆源代码中的 API 键。
# get standard PowerShell credential
$myCred = Get-Credential -Message "just <name> for this server, not '<domain>\<name>'"
# format credential for Artifactory API
$credUser = $myCred.UserName # extract user name
$credPswd = $myCred.GetNetworkCredential().password # extract user password
$credPair = "${credUser}:${credPswd}" # concatenate into BasicAuth format
$credBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($credPair) # convert byte values to text
$cred64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($credBytes) # condense a bit more secure string RFC2045-MIME
$credAuth = "Basic $cred64" # intermediate formatting
$restHeaders = @{ Authorization = $credAuth } # initialize web headers
# clear collection array
$cfgSite = @()
# locate server
$lstURL "https://<myserver>/artifactory/api/repositories"
# get list of repositories
$theseRepo = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $restHeaders -Uri $lstURL
# collect each configuration
ForEach ($thisRepo in $theseRepo)
$thisURI = $lstURL + $thisRepo.key
$thisCfg = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $restHeaders -Uri $thisURI
$thisCfg | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "SITE" -NotePropertyValue "$thisSite"
$cfgSite += $thisCfg
# output to file
$cfgAll | Export-Csv .\lstArtRepoConf.csv -NoTypeInformation
尝试从 Artifactory Enterprise v6 实例获取存储库列表,使用 PowerShell 5.1 Invoke-RestMethod 从 Win10 桌面,但看不到让它进行身份验证。
$myCred = Get-Credential notStanley
$lstART = Invoke-RestMethod -URI https://<myserver>/artifactory/api/repositories -Credential $myCred
只有 returns 允许匿名访问的项目。
如果我打开浏览器并登录到该 Artifactory 实例,然后我可以粘贴上面的 URI 并获取我的帐户有权访问的所有存储库的完整列表。
有什么提示 $myCred
我过去曾尝试使用 artifactory,但 -Credential
我尝试了 API 方法,它更简单易用。
使用 API 密钥连接到 Artifactory
Read here 了解如何获取您在 artifactory 上的帐户的 API 密钥。
$header = @{"X-JFrog-Art-Api" = "yourAPIKey"}
Invoke-RestMethod -URI https://<myserver>/artifactory/api/repositories -Headers $header
如果您确实想要使用 Get-Credential 提示,请确保您使用的用户名适用于 Artifactory。它与 domain\user 不同。
$login = Get-Credential -Message "Enter Credentials for Artifactory"
#invalid creds.. but its ok. Need to tell invoke-restmethod to use Basic Auth.
$headers = @{ Authorization = "Basic Zm9vOmJhcg==" }
# use -Credential to override the credentials.
$new = Invoke-RestMethod -URI https://<server>/artifactory/api/repositories -Headers $headers -Credential $login
谢谢贾瓦德。这让我开始使用 API (我的第一次尝试没有完全正确地形成)。按照您的链接找到了其他几个问题(27951561 和 60325084),这些问题也帮助我获得了 Credential。我已经使用 Credential 来避免混淆源代码中的 API 键。
# get standard PowerShell credential
$myCred = Get-Credential -Message "just <name> for this server, not '<domain>\<name>'"
# format credential for Artifactory API
$credUser = $myCred.UserName # extract user name
$credPswd = $myCred.GetNetworkCredential().password # extract user password
$credPair = "${credUser}:${credPswd}" # concatenate into BasicAuth format
$credBytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($credPair) # convert byte values to text
$cred64 = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($credBytes) # condense a bit more secure string RFC2045-MIME
$credAuth = "Basic $cred64" # intermediate formatting
$restHeaders = @{ Authorization = $credAuth } # initialize web headers
# clear collection array
$cfgSite = @()
# locate server
$lstURL "https://<myserver>/artifactory/api/repositories"
# get list of repositories
$theseRepo = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $restHeaders -Uri $lstURL
# collect each configuration
ForEach ($thisRepo in $theseRepo)
$thisURI = $lstURL + $thisRepo.key
$thisCfg = Invoke-RestMethod -Headers $restHeaders -Uri $thisURI
$thisCfg | Add-Member -NotePropertyName "SITE" -NotePropertyValue "$thisSite"
$cfgSite += $thisCfg
# output to file
$cfgAll | Export-Csv .\lstArtRepoConf.csv -NoTypeInformation