为什么可以为后置条件和对象不变量添加和删除代码契约,但不能为 C# 中的前置条件添加和删除代码契约?

Why code contracts can be added and removed for postconditions and object invariants, but not for preconditions in C#?

为什么可以为后置条件和对象不变量添加和删除代码契约,但不能为 C# 中的前置条件添加和移除代码契约?

CLR via C# 一书中,我遇到了以下摘录:

And since a contract cannot be made stricter with new versions (without breaking compatibility), you should carefully consider preconditions when introducing a new virtual, abstract, or interface member. For postconditions and object invariants, contracts can be added and removed at will as the conditions expressed in the virtual/abstract/interface member and the conditions expressed in the overriding member are just logically AND-ed together.



using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;

public sealed class Program
    public static void FooBaseContract(int i) 
        Contract.Ensures(i > 0);

public class FooBase 
    public virtual int i 
        get {return 2;} 
public class FooDerived : FooBase
    public override int i 
        get {return 4;} 


using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;

public sealed class Program
    public static void FooBaseContract(int i) 
        Contract.Ensures(i > 4);

public class FooBase 
    public virtual int i 
        get {return 2;} 
public class FooDerived : FooBase
    public override int i 
        get {return 4;} 


此外,我不明白为什么作者只提到 virtual, abstract, or interface member。因为在我上面给出的人为示例中,即使我将代码更改为以下内容(删除所有 virtual, abstract, or interface member),也会发生与新代码合同版本不兼容的情况:

using System.Diagnostics.Contracts;

public sealed class Program
    public static void FooBaseContract(int i) 
        Contract.Ensures(i > 4);

public class FooBase 
    public int i 
        get {return 2;} 



如评论部分所述 - 代码契约是一个已弃用的概念。这对我来说没问题,我只是想理解这个想法——在这种情况下,这就是为什么我们可以使后置条件和对象不变量更严格?这与我的常识相矛盾,这意味着之前允许返回某些东西(或发生对象不变量),现在我们声明不再允许返回某些东西,这本书的作者说这种情况并没有打破向后兼容性。


后置条件和不变量是退出时必须确保的事情。能够添加义务是有意义的。如果您要添加矛盾,那么 CC 应该将其标记为违反后置条件。

从兼容性和可扩展性的角度来看,基础 class 的用户将获得他们期望的保证。他们可能会收到他们不知道或不关心的额外保证。