当前日期时间不应通过使用@Past 注释的验证

Current datetime shouldnt pass the validation using @Past annotation

当字段设置为 now 时,我需要 @Past 来出错。我意识到字段上的 now 值和验证器比较时使用的 now 值会略有不同,因此需要在休眠验证器中设置容差。

问题是我无法让它工作。这是 junit:

public void testHibernateValidator_withPast_withTodayDate() {
    // populates with 'now'
    MyFormWithPast form = new MyFormWithPast();

    ValidatorFactory factory = Validation.byProvider(HibernateValidator.class)
            .clockProvider(() -> Clock.systemUTC())
            // adds tolerance so that when comparing, the form dt and 'now' is considered equal, 
            //   therefore dt is not a past datetime

    Validator validator = factory.getValidator();
    Set<ConstraintViolation<MyFormWithPast>> errors = validator.validate(form);

    // needs to fail, since 'now' shouldn't be considered 'past'
    assertFalse("now shoudnt be considered as Past", errors.isEmpty());

public static class MyFormWithPast {
    private OffsetDateTime dt;

    public void setDt(OffsetDateTime dt) {
        this.dt = dt;

    public OffsetDateTime getDt() {
        return dt;

我希望在字段中输入 'now' 时验证失败,因为 'now' 不应被视为 'past'。我错过了什么?



只想分享我当前的解决方案,添加 1 分钟的默认前向公差,以便输入 'now' 不被视为 'past'。


 * Validates that the date is of the past, with forward tolerance of 1 minute, 
 *   to offset the time to create a 'now' instance to compare to.
 * The usage is when user selects 'today' in the UI, we dont want it to be considered as 'Past'
 * Annotation is applicable to {@link OffsetDateTime}.
public @interface StrictPast {

    public static final String MESSAGE = "{constraints.StrictPast.message}";

     * @return The error message template.
    String message() default MESSAGE;

     * @return The groups the constraint belongs to.
    Class<?>[] groups() default { };

     * @return The payload associated to the constraint
    Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};



public class StrictPastValidator implements ConstraintValidator<StrictPast, Object> {

    public void initialize(StrictPast annotation) {

    public boolean isValid(Object input, ConstraintValidatorContext ignored) {
        if (input == null) {
             return true;
        } else if (input instanceof OffsetDateTime) {
            return isValidOffsetDateTime((OffsetDateTime) input);
        throw new IllegalStateException("StrictPastValidator is not applicable to the field type " + input.getClass().getName());

    private boolean isValidOffsetDateTime(OffsetDateTime input) {
        OffsetDateTime plusSecondsDt = input.plusSeconds(Duration.ofMinutes(1).getSeconds());
        return plusSecondsDt.isBefore(OffsetDateTime.now(Clock.systemUTC()));
