按数字动态分组对象 Powershell

Group-Object by numbers dynamically Powershell


10:15:16:290 53123
10:15:16:290 ra-agi Trace: Sending Query Request message to application gateway host.     10:15:16:290 ra-agi Trace:     ApplicationGatewayID = 5001  10:15:16:290 ra-agi Trace:     InvokeID =             5456787 
10:15:16:493 5456787
10:15:16:306 ra-agi Trace: Sending Query Request message to application gateway host.     10:15:16:306 ra-agi Trace:     ApplicationGatewayID = 5000  10:15:16:306 ra-agi Trace:     InvokeID =             132 
10:15:16:337 132
10:15:16:509 54565
10:15:16:337 ra-agi Trace: Sending Query Request message to application gateway host.     10:15:16:337 ra-agi Trace:     ApplicationGatewayID = 5001  10:15:16:337 ra-agi Trace:     InvokeID =             54565 
10:15:16:400 5456512
10:15:16:384 ra-agi Trace: Sending Query Request message to application gateway host.     10:15:16:384 ra-agi Trace:     ApplicationGatewayID = 5000  10:15:16:384 ra-agi Trace:     InvokeID =             5456512 
10:15:16:603 5
10:15:16:400 ra-agi Trace: Sending Query Request message to application gateway host.     10:15:16:400 ra-agi Trace:     ApplicationGatewayID = 5001  10:15:16:400 ra-agi Trace:     InvokeID =             5 
10:15:16:493 ra-agi Trace: Sending Query Request message to application gateway host.     10:15:16:493 ra-agi Trace:     ApplicationGatewayID = 5000  10:15:16:493 ra-agi Trace:     InvokeID =             3124 
10:15:16:509 3124
10:15:16:509 ra-agi Trace: Sending Query Request message to application gateway host.     10:15:16:509 ra-agi Trace:     ApplicationGatewayID = 5000  10:15:16:509 ra-agi Trace:     InvokeID =             95787812 
10:15:16:525 95787812
10:15:16:509 ra-agi Trace: Sending Query Request message to application gateway host.     10:15:16:509 ra-agi Trace:     ApplicationGatewayID = 5001  10:15:16:509 ra-agi Trace:     InvokeID =             9578781 
10:15:16:728 9578781
10:15:16:712 62


$result = [System.IO.File]::ReadLines($file).Trim() |
Group-Object @{Expression = { [int] $_.Substring($_.Length - 8)} } | # group by InvokeID (last 8 characters of the shortline) 
Where-Object { $_.Count -eq 2 } | # select only groups with two items in it (one long and one short line)

我的问题是数字的长度并不总是相同。我怎样才能使它动态?我得到了 1 位到 8 位的数字。

使用带有正则表达式的 -replace 运算符删除除尾随连续数字之外的所有内容:

... |Group-Object { ($_ -replace '^.*?(\d+)$', '') -as [int] }