
Operate multiple arrays simultaneously

我在 adobe animate 中使用 as3 创建视频游戏。 我用电影剪辑创建了多个数组,例如

var A:Array [mc1, mc2, mc3]
var B:Array [mc4, mc5, mc6]
var C:Array [mc7, mc8, mc9]
var anObject:DisplayObject;

如何同时操作所有数组中的所有影片剪辑? 我试过这个:

mc_Player.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Change_Position);
function Change_Position (event:MouseEvent):void
    {for each (anObject in A) & (anObject in B) & (anObject in C) // how can I get this right?
    {anObject.x -= 100;



mc_Player.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, Change_Position);
function Change_Position (event:MouseEvent):void
    {all movie_clips // how can I get this right?
    {anObject.x -= 100;




  1. 将所有 objects 放入一个容器中。您将能够更改该容器的 xy 因此所有 in-laid objects 都会更改其可见位置立刻。缺点是你不能单独旋转或缩放它们(将它们想象成夹在板上并想象你旋转整个板),否则你将无法移动它们的一半。
  2. Arrays 和循环。您非常快速地逐一遍历所有项目。从外面看起来同时,但它从来不是。


案例 №1:许多 数组 到一个。

// This methods takes a mixed list of items and Arrays
// and returns a single flattened list of items.
function flatten(...args:Array):Array
    var i:int = 0;

    // Iterate over the arguments from the first and on. 
    while (i < args.length)
        if (args[i] is Array)
            // These commands cut the reference to the Array
            // and put the whole list of its elements instead.
            aRay = [i,1].concat(args[i]);
            args.splice.apply(args, aRay);
            // The element is not an Array so let's just leave it be.

    return args;

然后您需要做的就是从多个 Arrays:

var ABC:Array = flatten(A, B, C);

for each (var anObject:DisplayObject in ABC)
    anObject.x -= 100;

Performance-wise,最好pre-organize,如果逻辑上可能的话,这些Arrays,这样你就不必分别编译它们了您需要处理所有 objects 的时间。简单地说,如果有时您需要 A + B,有时需要 B + C,有时需要 A + B + C,只需创建它们并准备好即可。如果你知道你要处理什么,你甚至不需要那种复杂的 flatten 方法:

var AB:Array = A.concat(B);
var BC:Array = B.concat(C);

var ABC:Array = A.concat(B).concat(C);

Case №2:一次全部children。正如我在 中解释的那样,您可以遍历某个容器的所有 children,并且您可以将它们放入 - 猜猜是什么 - Array 以备后用利用。此外,您可以在这样做时过滤 objects,只放置那些您真正想要的。

var ALL:Array = new Array;

// Iterate over the amount of children of "this" container.
for (var i:int = 0; i < numChildren; i++)
    // Obtain a reference to the child at the depth "i".
    var anObject:DisplayObject = getChildAt(i);

    // Here go possible criteria for enlisting.

    // This will ignore texts and buttons.
    // if (anObject is MovieClip)

    // This will take only those with names starting with "mc".
    if (anObject.name.substr(0, 2) == "mc")

// Viola! You have all the objects you want in a single Array
// so you can bulk-process them now, which is ALMOST simultaneous.