foursquare api hereNow 列出已签到但您自己未签到的人

foursquare api hereNow list checked in people without being checked in yourself

我正在尝试获取在某个场所签到的用户列表。 使用以下 url (php):

 $url = '' . $fsClientId 
    . '&oauth_token=' . $_SESSION['foursquareToken']->access_token . '&v=20130815';

如果我签到同一地点,我会得到签到该地点的人员列表。如果我没有签入有一个空的 "items" 对象(我已经 json_decoded 它到一个对象):

stdClass Object ( [meta] => stdClass Object ( [code] => 200 ) [notifications] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [type] => notificationTray [item] => stdClass Object ( [unreadCount] => 0 ) ) ) [response] => stdClass Object ( [hereNow] => stdClass Object ( [count] => 1 [items] => Array ( ) ) ) )

是否可以列出签到场地的人员,而无需自己签到? 我在某个地方读过,你必须是场地所有者才能工作。那是对的吗? 在这种情况下如何成为场地所有者?




Is it possible to list people checked in to a venue without being checked in to it yourself?


Returns a list of friends and friends-of-friends at the venue for authenticated requests. If the acting user is currently checked in to the venue, then a list of other users is also returned.