Java/Spring JDBC:批量插入 2 Tables:从第 1 批插入中获取 FK ID 需要第 2 个 Table

Java/Spring JDBC: Batch Insert into 2 Tables: Obtain FK ID from 1st Batch Insert Required for 2nd Table

我正在使用 jdbcTemplate 批量插入 2 tables。第一个 table 很简单,有一个 ID。第二个 table 有一个 FK 参考 USER_ID,我需要在插入之前从 Table 1 获得它。



for(int i = 0; i < totalEntries.size(); i++) {
    // Add to Batch-Insert List; if list size ready for batch-insert, or if at the end, batch-persist & clear list

    if (batchInsert.size() == 1000 || i == totalEntries.size() - 1) {
         // 1. Batch is ready, insert into Table 1
         nativeBatchInsertUsers(jdbcTemplate, batchInsert);
         // 2. Batch is ready, insert into Table 2
         nativeBatchInsertStudyParticipants(jdbcTemplate, batchInsert);
        // Reset list

批量插入 Table 1 的方法(注意我在这里获取 USERS_T 的 Seq Val)

    private void nativeBatchInsertUsers(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate, final List<UsersT> batchInsert) {

        String sqlInsert_USERS_T =  "INSERT INTO PUBLIC.USERS_T (id, password, user_name) " +
                                    "VALUES (nextval('users_t_id_seq'), ?, ? " +

        // Insert into USERS_T using overridden JdbcTemplate's Native-SQL batchUpdate() on the string "sqlInsert_USERS_T"
        jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sqlInsert_USERS_T, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() {

            public int getBatchSize() {
                return batchInsert.size();

            public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int i) throws SQLException {
                ps.setString(1, null); 
                ps.setString(2, batchInsert.get(i).getUsername()); 
                // etc.

批量插入 Table 2

private void nativeBatchInsertStudyParticipants(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate, final List<UsersT> batchInsertUsers) {

    String sqlInsert_STUDY_PARTICIPANTS_T = 
            "INSERT INTO PUBLIC.STUDY_PARTICIPANTS_T (id, study_id, subject_id, user_id) "  
                            "VALUES (nextval('study_participants_t_id_seq'), ?, ?, ?

    // Insert into STUDY_PARTICIPANTS_T using overridden JdbcTemplate's Native-SQL batchUpdate() on the string "sqlInsert_USERS_T"
    jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sqlInsert_STUDY_PARTICIPANTS_T, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() {

        public int getBatchSize() {
            return batchInsert.size();

        public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int i) throws SQLException {

             // PROBLEM: For Param #4, USER_ID, need to get the USERS_T.ID from Batch-Insert #1




当我来到第二批插入时,其中一列是返回 USERS_T.ID 的 FK,称为 STUDY_PARTICIPANTS_T.USER_ID。是否可以通过保持jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate()逻辑获得它?


1) 如果您使用 jdbcTemplate (Spring JDBC),一种解决方案是提前保留您自己的 ID 范围。然后自己为每一行提供 手动计算的 ID。例如

@Transactional(readOnly = false, rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public void doMultiTableInsert(List<String> entries) throws Exception {

    // 1. Obtain current Sequence values
    Integer currTable1SeqVal = table1DAO.getCurrentTable1SeqVal();
    Integer currTable2SeqVal = table2DAO.getCurrentTable2SeqVal();     
    // 2. Immediately update the Sequences to the calculated final value (this reserves the ID range immediately)
    table1DAO.setTable1SeqVal(currTable1SeqVal + entries.size());          
    table2DAO.setTable2SeqVal(currTable2SeqVal + entries.size());           

    for(int i = 0; i < entries.size(); i++) {
         // Prepare Domain object...
         UsersT user = new User();
         user.setID(currTable1SeqVal + 1 + i); // Set ID manually
         user.setCreatedDate(new Date());
         // etc.
         StudyParticipantsT sp = new StudyParticipantsT();
         sp.setID(currTable2SeqVal + 1 + i); // Set ID manually
         // etc.

         // Add to Batch-Insert List

         // If list size ready for Batch-Insert (in this ex. 1000), or if at the end of all subjectIds, perform Batch Insert (both tables) and clear list
         if (batchInsertUsers.size() == 1000 || i == subjectIds.size() - 1) {
            // Part 1: Insert batch into USERS_T
            nativeBatchInsertUsers(jdbcTemplate, batchInsertUsers);             
            // Part 2: Insert batch into STUDY_PARTICIPANTS_T
            nativeBatchInsertStudyParticipants(jdbcTemplate, batchInsertUsers);                 
            // Reset list


然后是上面引用的 Batch-Insert 子方法:


  private void nativeBatchInsertUsers(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate, final List<UsersT> batchInsertUsers) {
       String sqlInsert =   "INSERT INTO PUBLIC.USERS_T (id, password,  ... )"; // etc.
       jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sqlInsert, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() {

           public int getBatchSize() {
             return batchInsertUsers.size();

           public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int i) throws SQLException {
              ps.setInt(1, batchInsertUsers.get(i).getId()); // ID (provided by ourselves)
              ps.setDate(2, batchInsertUsers.get(i).getCreatedDate());


private void nativeBatchInsertStudyParticipants(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate, final List<UsersT> batchInsertUsers) {
   String sqlInsert =   "INSERT INTO PUBLIC.STUDY_PARTICIPANTS_T (id, ... )"; // etc.
   jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(sqlInsert, new BatchPreparedStatementSetter() {

       public int getBatchSize() {
         return batchInsertUsers.size();

       public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps, int i) throws SQLException {
          ps.setInt(1, batchInsertUsers.get(i).getStudyParticipants().getId()); // ID (provided by ourselves)

有一些方法可以 get/set 排序值,例如在 Postgres 中是

SELECT last_value FROM users_t_id_seq;   -- GET SEQ VAL
SELECT setval('users_t_id_seq', 621938); -- SET SEQ VAL

另请注意,所有内容都在 @Transactional 下。如果方法中有任何异常,所有数据都会回滚(对于 all 异常,rollbackFor = Exception.class)。唯一不会回滚的是手动序列更新。不过没关系,序列可以有间隙。

2) 如果您愿意降到 PreparedStatement 级别,另一种解决方案是 Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS:

PreparedStatement ps = con.prepareStatement(sql, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS)

执行 ps 后,ResultSet 将按照创建顺序包含您的 ID。您可以遍历 ResultSet 并将 ID 存储在单独的列表中。

while ( {

请记住,在这种情况下,您负责自己的交易管理。您需要 conn.setAutoCommit(false); 让批次在没有真正持久性的情况下堆积起来,然后 conn.commit(); / conn.rollback();.