如何在 IDE 的查询负载中转义 & 号

how to escape ampersand in query payload in IDE

我必须将以下字符串添加到 restdb 查询中:


所以它看起来像这样(在 Postman 中有效):

{"identifier": "impeachmentsage"}&sort=_changed&dir=-1

我尝试了几种转义 & 的方法,包括 %26 和 & 字符后跟 amp; ,但无论我收到一条错误消息,抱怨 & 的存在。 https://bixbydevelopers.com/dev/docs/reference/JavaScriptAPI/http#http-options

function getNewsByName(altBrainsNames, $vivContext) {
 console.log('viv', $vivContext, altBrainsNames)
 dashbot.logIncoming("Getting news by name", "GetNewsByName", $vivContext, altBrainsNames);
  const url = properties.get("config", "baseUrl") + "content"
  console.log("i got to restdb.js and the url is ", url);
  console.log("AltBrainsNames is", altBrainsNames)
  ampersand = "&"
  const query = {
    apikey: properties.get("secret", "apiKey"),
     q: "{\"" + "identifier" + "\":\"" + altBrainsNames + "\"}" + ampersand+ "sort=_changed%26dir=-1"

  console.log("query", query)
  const options = {
    format: "json",
    query: query,
    cacheTime: 0


var s = "sort=_changed%26dir=-1"

  const query = {
    apikey: properties.get("secret", "apiKey"),
     q: "{\"" + "identifier" + "\":\"" + altBrainsNames + "\"}",
     s: "sort=_changed%26dir=-1"

它靠得更近并发出 & 符号,但它后面的 s= 是无关紧要的。



 const url = properties.get("config", "baseUrl") + "content";

  const q = "q={\"" + "identifier" + "\":\"" + altBrainsNames + "\"}";
  const ampersand = encodeURIComponent("&");

  submiturl = url + "\?" + q + ampersand + "sort=_changed" + ampersand + "dir=-1"
  console.log('submit url is', submiturl)

  const options = {
    format: "json", 
     headers: {
    'apikey': properties.get("secret", "apiKey"),
    cacheTime: 0

  const response = http.getUrl(submiturl, options) 

这会产生 400 错误 "unexpected & in JSON at column 32"。

我现在怀疑根本问题是getURL坚持查询字符串必须是匹配的key/value对,而restdb的语法提供了不平衡的blank/value对,即 &sort... 而不是 &s=sort。如果是这种情况,getURL 或 restdb 需要更改一些内容...

您的 URL 查询参数应该只是一个 JSON 对象,"query" 位于选项对象中 - Bixby 将处理所有需要的转义等


  let url = "https://postman-echo.com/get"
  let options = {
    format: 'json',
    query: {
      identifier: "impeachmentsage",
      sorts: "_changed",
      dir: -1,
      blank: "",
      withAmper: "hello&world" 

  let response = http.getUrl(url, options) 
  console.log ("response = " + JSON.stringify(response));

导致以下 URL 被调用


我添加了 "blank" 作为传递空 string/null 和 "withAmper" 的示例,表明 Bixby 会为您执行任何必要的转义。

仅供参考 - 如果您需要转义 URL,Javascript encodeURI 中的构建效果很好

非常感谢@rogerkibbe!在这里发布我的最终代码,因为有一个或两个小调整以使其完全符合 restdb 的格式。

const url = properties.get("config", "baseUrl") + "content";

  const q = "{\"" + "identifier" + "\":\"" + altBrainsNames + "\"}";

  const options = {
    format: "json", 
     headers: {
    'apikey': properties.get("secret", "apiKey"),
  query: {
      q: q,
      //identifier: "impeachmentsage",
      sort: "_changed",
      dir: -1,
      //blank: "",
      //withAmper: "hello&world" 
    cacheTime: 0