
How do I set the scatter circle radius in holoviews?

简单的问题 - 在散景中,您可以绘制具有半径而不是大小的圆,以便在放大或缩小时调整圆。是否可以使用基于全息视图的散点图来做到这一点——它目前没有我可以看到的用于设置半径的选项,而且我无法弄清楚如何以其他方式提供它(例如渲染)。可能是用户错误,提前致歉,非常感谢。

import holoviews as hv
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
p.scatter(x, y, radius=0.2)
show(p) # bokeh plot working as expected
scatter=hv.Scatter((x,y)).opts(marker="circle", size=20)
scatter # holoviews plot, cannot code "radius" for code above - causes error.

所有 hv.Scatter 图均基于 Bokeh 的 Scatter 标记,其文档字符串中包含此部分:

Note that circles drawn with `Scatter` conform to the standard Marker
interface, and can only vary by size (in screen units) and *not* by radius
(in data units). If you need to control circles by radius in data units,
you should use the Circle glyph directly.


import holoviews as hv
import param
from holoviews.element.chart import Chart
from holoviews.plotting.bokeh import PointPlot


x = (1, 2, 3)
y = (1, 2, 3)

class Circle(Chart):
    group = param.String(default='Circle', constant=True)

    size = param.Integer()

class CirclePlot(PointPlot):
    _plot_methods = dict(single='circle', batched='circle')

    style_opts = ['radius' if so == 'size' else so for so in PointPlot.style_opts if so != 'marker']

hv.Store.register({Circle: CirclePlot}, 'bokeh')

scatter = Circle((x, y)).opts(radius=0.5)