如何使用具有 nltk.pos_tag() 功能的通用 POS 标签?

How to use the universal POS tags with nltk.pos_tag() function?

我有一条短信,我想查找 'ADJs'、'PRONs'、'VERBs'、'NOUNs' 等的数量。 我知道有 .pos_tag() 函数,但它给了我不同的结果,我希望结果为 'ADJ'、'PRON'、'VERB'、'NOUN'。 这是我的代码:

import nltk
from nltk.corpus import state_union, brown
from nltk.corpus import stopwords
from nltk import ne_chunk

from nltk.tokenize import PunktSentenceTokenizer
from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize
from nltk.tokenize import RegexpTokenizer
from nltk.stem import WordNetLemmatizer 

from collections import Counter

sentence = "this is my sample text that I want to analyze with programming language"

# tokenizing text (make list with evey word)
sample_tokenization = word_tokenize(sample)
print("THIS IS TOKENIZED SAMPLE TEXT, LIST OF WORDS:\n\n", sample_tokenization)

# tagging words
taged_words = nltk.pos_tag(sample_tokenization.split(' '))

# showing the count of every type of word for new text
count_of_word_type = Counter(word_type for word,word_type in taged_words)
count_of_word_type_list = count_of_word_type.most_common() # making a list of tuples counts

for w_type, num in count_of_word_type_list:
     print(w_type, num)


Tag Meaning English Examples
ADJ adjective   new, good, high, special, big, local
ADP adposition  on, of, at, with, by, into, under
ADV adverb  really, already, still, early, now
CONJ    conjunction and, or, but, if, while, although
DET determiner, article the, a, some, most, every, no, which
NOUN    noun    year, home, costs, time, Africa
NUM numeral twenty-four, fourth, 1991, 14:24
PRT particle    at, on, out, over per, that, up, with
PRON    pronoun he, their, her, its, my, I, us
VERB    verb    is, say, told, given, playing, would
.   punctuation marks   . , ; !
X   other   ersatz, esprit, dunno, gr8, univeristy



from nltk.corpus import brown
brown_news_tagged = brown.tagged_words(categories='news', tagset='universal')

但我不知道如何将其应用到我的例句中。 感谢您的帮助。

来自 https://github.com/nltk/nltk/blob/develop/nltk/tag/init.py#L135

>>> from nltk.tag import pos_tag
>>> from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize

# Default Penntreebank tagset.
>>> pos_tag(word_tokenize("John's big idea isn't all that bad."))
[('John', 'NNP'), ("'s", 'POS'), ('big', 'JJ'), ('idea', 'NN'), ('is', 'VBZ'),
("n't", 'RB'), ('all', 'PDT'), ('that', 'DT'), ('bad', 'JJ'), ('.', '.')]

# Universal POS tags.
>>> pos_tag(word_tokenize("John's big idea isn't all that bad."), tagset='universal')
[('John', 'NOUN'), ("'s", 'PRT'), ('big', 'ADJ'), ('idea', 'NOUN'), ('is', 'VERB'),
("n't", 'ADV'), ('all', 'DET'), ('that', 'DET'), ('bad', 'ADJ'), ('.', '.')]