
Does this code violate One Definition Rule?

AOSP10 中的一些代码似乎违反了 ODR:

来源 1:

struct ExtentsParam
  void init (const OT::cff1::accelerator_t *_cff)
    path_open = false;
    cff = _cff;
    bounds.init ();
  void start_path ()         { path_open = true; }
  void end_path ()           { path_open = false; }
  bool is_path_open () const { return path_open; }
  bool    path_open;
  Bounds  bounds;
  const OT::cff1::accelerator_t *cff;

来自: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/harfbuzz_ng/+/refs/heads/android10-gsi/src/hb-ot-cff1-table.cc

来源 2:

struct ExtentsParam
  void init ()
    path_open = false;
    min_x.set_int (0x7FFFFFFF);
    min_y.set_int (0x7FFFFFFF);
    max_x.set_int (-0x80000000);
    max_y.set_int (-0x80000000);
  void start_path ()         { path_open = true; }
  void end_path ()           { path_open = false; }
  bool is_path_open () const { return path_open; }
  void update_bounds (const Point &pt)
    if (pt.x < min_x) min_x = pt.x;
    if (pt.x > max_x) max_x = pt.x;
    if (pt.y < min_y) min_y = pt.y;
    if (pt.y > max_y) max_y = pt.y;
  bool  path_open;
  Number min_x;
  Number min_y;
  Number max_x;
  Number max_y;

来自: https://android.googlesource.com/platform/external/harfbuzz_ng/+/refs/heads/android10-gsi/src/hb-ot-cff2-table.cc


srcs: [


这些资源也内置在同一个共享库中。两个来源都有"struct ExtentsParam"的定义,内容完全不同。这两个结构似乎都只在本地使用。

这两个来源的名称相似,因此无意中重复名称的可能性很小。 Google 中违反 ODR 的可能性可能很低。


:因为它们都在全局命名空间中,这绝对违反了 ODR。

仅在定义它们的翻译单元中使用的 class 类型没有豁免;程序只能包含 one class 具有任何给定名称的类型。


There can be more than one definition of a [..] class type [..] in a program provided that each definition appears in a different translation unit, and provided the definitions satisfy the following requirements. [..] Given such an entity named D defined in more than one translation unit, all of the following requirements shall be satisfied. [..] Each definition of D shall consist of the same sequence of tokens [..] (ref)

开发人员只是 "getting lucky" 链接器没有尝试执行任何导致此违规症状的滑稽动作。

这就是命名空间的用途。例如,如果 class 类型仅在定义它的翻译单元中使用,则可以在匿名命名空间中定义它。