在 C++ 中使用 Exception base class 导致应用程序崩溃

Usage of Exception base class in C++ is causing the app to crash

在下面的代码片段中,为什么如果我将 catch 语句包含在 "exception base class I get a app crash" 中(附上崩溃的图像)。


"const char* msg"

在 catch() 中它工作正常。

为什么异常库 class 导致应用程序崩溃?

double division(int a, int b)
    if (b == 0)
        throw "Division by zero condition!";
    return (a / b);
    int x = 50;
        int y = 0;
        double z = 0;

        try {
            z = division(x, y);
            cout << "after division func" << endl;
            cout << z << endl;
        catch (const char* msg) {  // WORKS FINE
        //catch (exception& err) {  // CAUSES the APP to crash![enter image description here][1]

            cout << "INside catch for divide by 0" << endl;



您可以采取的一种解决方法是在代码中定义 catch all 语句

try {
            z = division(x, y);
            cout << "after division func" << endl;
            cout << z << endl;

        catch (exception& err) {  // CAUSES the APP to crash![enter image description here][1]

            cout << "INside catch for divide by 0" << endl;

        catch(...)    //include this in your code
            cout<<"other exception occured";



throw "Division by zero condition!";


catch (const char* msg)

然而,此异常并非源自 class std::exception。如果你想要一个可以提供错误信息的,那么使用 std::runtime_error.

throw std::runtime_error("Division by zero condition!");
catch (std::exception& err)