氧气错误 "Skipping invalid path"

Roxygen error "Skipping invalid path"

运行devtools::document() 的输出。我不知道如何解决这个问题,而且 roxygen 文档在帮助找出错误消息方面也不是很好。关于如何摆脱这个以便记录我的功能的任何想法?

Updating NEONExclusionZones documentation
Loading NEONExclusionZones
First time using roxygen2 4.0. Upgrading automatically...
Skipping invalid path:  1CalcMosqImpact-TITLE.Rd 
Skipping invalid path:  1IstotopicChange-TITLE.Rd 
Skipping invalid path:  1findInters-TITLE.Rd 
Skipping invalid path:  1rad_foot-TITLE.Rd 


#'@name 1findInters
#'@title Find intersection between footprint curve and a threshold curve
#'Standalone R Function
#'@description Calculates where the flux footprint curve and the threshold curve intersect. 
#'  find_inters(fun_weight=impact_KM01[x,], location=x_step_airs[-1], threshold=SA_dist)
#'  }
#' @param fun_weight List of footprint curve distances
#' @param location List of distance from tower [m]
#' @param threshold Threshold for influence of all activities on tower measurement source areas [%]

find_inters <-  function(
) {

  #difference between footprint curve and threshold line
  DIFF <- fun_weight - threshold

  #interpolate to ensure finding local result
  location1 <- approx(location, n=1e3)$y
  DIFF1 <- approx(x=location, y=DIFF, xout=location1)$y      

  #find intersect farthest away from tower 
  #in order to find 1 real zero crossing, at least two zero crossings have to be present. 
  #Hence I added c(-1,1) here
  WHR <- extrema(c(-Inf,Inf,DIFF1))
  if(WHR$ncross <= 1) {
    out <- NA
  } else {
    #As I added c(-1,1) above, two indices have to be subtracted again here.
    out <- round( location1[WHR$cross[WHR$ncross,2]-2] )
  #return result


错误是因为您的文件名包含数字而不是字母。 relevant code is here that produces the message is here。而且我相信@rawr 的评论是正确的:您使用的是格式错误的 Roxygen 语法,这是问题的最终原因。