如何使用 "textmineR" 包将通过 LDA 在 R 中重试的主题分配给特定文档

how to assign the topics retried via LDA in R using "textmineR" package to the specific documents

我有 787 个文档(语音-文本文件)。使用 "textmineR" 包我得到了相同的主题。我有以下 3 个主题:

 topic label      coherence   prevalence    top_terms
 t_1   policy     0.092       37.374        policy, inflation, monetary, rate, federal, economic
 t_2   financial  0.030       37.677        financial, banks, risk, capital, market, not
 t_3   community  0.004       24.949        community, federal, reserve, more, return, mortgage 


Document Number          Topic
1                           t_1




如果您需要为新文档分配主题,您也可以使用 predict

这是一个使用您的解决方案和 predict 的可重现示例。


# 'mycorpus' and `newcorpus` are disjoint character vectors of documents
mycorpus <- nih_sample$ABSTRACT_TEXT

newcorpus <- nih_sample$PROJECT_TITLE

# create a document term matrix for training
dtm <- CreateDtm(mycorpus)

# train an LDA topic model
lda <- FitLdaModel(dtm, k = 10, iterations = 200, burnin = 150)

# get the topic document assignments for your training data

# create a new document term matrix for new documents
new_dtm <- CreateDtm(newcorpus)

# predict handles vocabulary (mis)alignment for you
new_theta <- predict(lda, new_dtm, iterations = 200, burnin = 150)