如何将 Numba“@vectorize”ufunc 与结构化 Numpy 数组一起使用?
How can I use Numba "@vectorize" ufunc with a structured Numpy array?
我无法将矢量化 ufunc 获取到 运行。常规 @njit 工作正常,@vectorize documentation 表明向量化装饰器与 njit 相同。我 运行宁 Windows 10,如果这有影响的话
演示程序如下。从下面的输出中,我们可以看到 njit 函数 运行s 没有发生意外,并且向量化函数存在类型错误。
import sys
import numpy
import numba
Structured = numpy.dtype([("a", numpy.int32), ("b", numpy.float64)])
numba_dtype = numba.from_dtype(Structured)
def jitted(x):
x['b'] = 17.5
return 18.
@numba.vectorize([numba.float64(numba_dtype)], target="cpu", nopython=True)
def vectorized(x):
x['b'] = 17.5
return 12.1
print('python version = ', sys.implementation.version)
print('numpy version = ', numpy.__version__)
print('numba version = ', numba.__version__)
for struct in numpy.empty((3,), dtype=Structured):
print(vectorized(numpy.empty((3,), dtype=Structured)))
python version = sys.version_info(major=3, minor=7, micro=1, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
numpy version = 1.17.3
numba version = 0.48.0
Traceback (most recent call last): File "scratch.py", line 49, in
print(vectorized(numpy.empty((3,), dtype=Structured))) TypeError: ufunc 'vectorized' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''
貌似不支持,已经转成feature request
我无法将矢量化 ufunc 获取到 运行。常规 @njit 工作正常,@vectorize documentation 表明向量化装饰器与 njit 相同。我 运行宁 Windows 10,如果这有影响的话
演示程序如下。从下面的输出中,我们可以看到 njit 函数 运行s 没有发生意外,并且向量化函数存在类型错误。
import sys
import numpy
import numba
Structured = numpy.dtype([("a", numpy.int32), ("b", numpy.float64)])
numba_dtype = numba.from_dtype(Structured)
def jitted(x):
x['b'] = 17.5
return 18.
@numba.vectorize([numba.float64(numba_dtype)], target="cpu", nopython=True)
def vectorized(x):
x['b'] = 17.5
return 12.1
print('python version = ', sys.implementation.version)
print('numpy version = ', numpy.__version__)
print('numba version = ', numba.__version__)
for struct in numpy.empty((3,), dtype=Structured):
print(vectorized(numpy.empty((3,), dtype=Structured)))
python version = sys.version_info(major=3, minor=7, micro=1, releaselevel='final', serial=0)
numpy version = 1.17.3
numba version = 0.48.0
Traceback (most recent call last): File "scratch.py", line 49, in
print(vectorized(numpy.empty((3,), dtype=Structured))) TypeError: ufunc 'vectorized' not supported for the input types, and the inputs could not be safely coerced to any supported types according to the casting rule ''safe''
貌似不支持,已经转成feature request