CLIPS 谁是儿子或女儿、父亲或母亲、祖父或祖母

CLIPS who is son or daughter, father or mother, grandfather or grandmother

我有一个非常简单的程序,但从未使用过 CLIPS。 我的任务是展示谁是谁,为谁服务。 我试图从我的 类 重新制作代码,但它不起作用:

(defrule MAIN::son
    (or (father ?x ?y)
        (mother ?x ?y)
    (m ?y)
    (assert(son ?y ?x))
    (printout t ?y " is son to " ?x crlf)

(defrule MAIN::daughter
    (or (father ?x ?y)
        (mother ?x ?y)
    (f ?y)
    (assert(daughter ?y ?x))
    (printout t ?y " is daughter to " ?x crlf)

(defrule MAIN::grandfather
    (or (father ?x ?y)
        (mother ?x ?y)
    (father ?z ?x)
    (m ?z)
    (assert(grandfather ?z ?y))
    (printout t ?z " is grandfather to " ?y crlf)

(defrule MAIN::grandmother
    (or (father ?x ?y)
        (mother ?x ?y)
    (mother ?z ?x)
    (f ?z)
    (assert(grandmother ?z ?y))
    (printout t ?z " is grandmother to " ?y crlf)

(defrule MAIN::grandson
    (or (father ?x ?y)
        (mother ?x ?y)
    (or (father ?y ?z)
        (mother ?y ?z)
    (m ?z)
    (assert(grandson ?z ?x))
    (printout t ?z " is grandson to " ?x crlf)

(defrule MAIN::granddaughter
    (or (father ?x ?y)
        (mother ?x ?y)
    (or (father ?y ?z)
        (mother ?y ?z)
    (f ?z)
    (assert(grandson ?z ?x))
    (printout t ?z " is granddaughter to " ?x crlf)

(defrule MAIN::brother
    (or (father ?x ?y)
        (mother ?x ?y)
    (or (father ?x ?z)
        (mother ?x ?z)
    (notancestor ?y ?z)
    (m ?z)
    (assert(brother ?z ?y))
    (printout t ?z " is brother "to  ?x crlf)

(defrule MAIN::sister
    (or (father ?x ?y)
        (mother ?x ?y)
    (or (father ?x ?z)
        (mother ?x ?z)
    (notancestor ?y ?z)
    (f ?z)
    (assert(sister ?z ?y))
    (printout t ?z " is sister to " ?x crlf)

(defrule MAIN::near_ancestor
    (or (father ?x ?y)
        (mother ?x ?y)
        (or     (father ?x ?z)
            (mother ?x ?z)
        (assert(near_ancestor ?z ?y))
        (printout ?z " is near_ancestor to " ?x crlf)

(defrule MAIN::ancestor
        (ancestor ?x ?y)
        (near_ancestor ?y ?z)
        (assert(ancestor ?x ?z))
        (printout t ?z " is ancestor to " ?x crlf)

(defrule MAIN::near_descendant
    (or (father ?x ?y)
        (mother ?x ?y)
    (or (father ?x ?z)
        (mother ?x ?z)
    (assert(near_descendant ?y ?z))
    (printout t ?x " is near_descendant to" ?z crlf)

(defrule MAIN::descendant
    (descendant ?x ?y)
    (near_descendant ?y ?z)
    (assert(descendant ?z ?x))
    (printout t ?x " is descendant to " ?z crlf)


(deffacts startup
    (father Adam Kain)
    (father Adam Abel)
    (father Adam Set)
    (mother Ewa Kain)
    (mother Ewa Abel)
    (mother Ewa Set)



CLIPS> (run)
[ROUTER1] Logical name Set was not recognized by any routers Ewa is near_descendant to Set
[ROUTER1] Logical name Abel was not recognized by any routers Ewa is near_descendant to Abel
[ROUTER1] Logical name Kain was not recognized by any routers Ewa is near_descendant to Kain
[ROUTER1] Logical name Set was not recognized by any routers Ewa is near_descendant to Set
[ROUTER1] Logical name Set was not recognized by any routers Ewa is near_descendant to Set
[ROUTER1] Logical name Abel was not recognized by any routers Ewa is near_descendant to Abel
[ROUTER1] Logical name Kain was not recognized by any routers Ewa is near_descendant to Kain
[ROUTER1] Logical name Abel was not recognized by any routers Ewa is near_descendant to Abel
[ROUTER1] Logical name Kain was not recognized by any routers Ewa is near_descendant to Kain
[ROUTER1] Logical name Set was not recognized by any routers Adam is near_descendant to Set
[ROUTER1] Logical name Abel was not recognized by any routers Adam is near_descendant to Abel
[ROUTER1] Logical name Kain was not recognized by any routers Adam is near_descendant to Kain
[ROUTER1] Logical name Set was not recognized by any routers Adam is near_descendant to Set
[ROUTER1] Logical name Set was not recognized by any routers Adam is near_descendant to Set
[ROUTER1] Logical name Abel was not recognized by any routers Adam is near_descendant to Abel
[ROUTER1] Logical name Kain was not recognized by any routers Adam is near_descendant to Kain
[ROUTER1] Logical name Abel was not recognized by any routers Adam is near_descendant to Abel
[ROUTER1] Logical name Kain was not recognized by any routers Adam is near_descendant to Kain



(printout ?z " is near_ancestor to " ?x crlf)


(printout t ?z " is near_ancestor to " ?x crlf)